CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network


This topic contains packages for exercises, problems for solution, etc.

Answers and solutions, for 2.09.
Setting questions (or exercises) and answers.
Typeset classwork exercises.
Exercises in , with answers.
Typeset exercises in , with answers.
Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA).
Creating (chemical) exercise sheets.
Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz.
Save exerquiz quizzes and resume.
Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers.
Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets.
A package to count exercises and points.
Typeset exercises and solutions with automatic addition of points .
Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes.
Environments for defining exercises and quizzes.
Typesetting exercise or exam sheets.
Framework for exercise problems.
Create exercise sheets and exams.
Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book.
Fill vertical space with solid rules or dotted lines.
Mathematics in accord with French usage.
Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes.
Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Problem sheet class.
Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets.
Use exercises in different types of documents.
Draw a “question wheel” (roue de questions).
Various layout styles for school documents.
Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template.
A class for writing exercise sheets.
Typeset (Italian high school) exercises.
A package to typeset (Italian) high school tests.
Easy creation of worksheets.
eXercise Sheets IMproved.
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