CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

proposal – A set of classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects

The process of preparing a collaborative proposal, to a major funding body, involves integration of contributions of a many people at many sites. It is therefore an ideal application for a text-based document preparation system such as , in concert with a distributed version control system such as SVN.

The proposal class itself provides a basis for such an enterprise. The dfgproposal and dfgproposal classes provide two specialisations of the base class for (respectively) German and European research proposals.

The packages depend on the author’s stex bundle.

Version 2016-04-15
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2010–2016 Michael Kohlhase
MaintainerMichael Kohlhase
TDS archiveproposal.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as proposal
MiKTeX as proposal

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