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CTAN update: prooftrees

Datum: 19. Juni 2023 11:33:51 MESZ
Clea F. Rees submitted an update to the prooftrees package. Version: 0.8 svn 9582 2023-06-18 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic) Announcement text:
Corrects a bug affecting the positioning of closure symbols. These should no longer be oddly distanced from the last wff in the branch.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/prooftrees The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/prooftrees/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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prooftrees – Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)

The package supports drawing proof trees of the kind often used in introductory logic classes, especially those aimed at students without strong mathematical backgrounds. Hodges (1991) is one example of a text which uses this system. When teaching such a system it is especially useful to annotate the tree with line numbers, justifications and explanations of branch closures.

prooftrees provides a single environment, prooftree, and a variety of tools for annotating, customising and highlighting such trees. A cross-referencing system is provided for trees which cite line numbers in justifications for proof lines or branch closures.

prooftrees is based on forest and, hence, TikZ. The package requires version 2.0.2 of Forest for expected results and will not work with version 1.

Version0.8 svn 9582 2023-06-18
Copyright2016–2023 Clea F. Rees
BetreuerClea F. Rees



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