Papers by Miguel de Aguilera
El Profesional de la Información 2019
YouTube is a company representative of its original context, Web 2.0, that originally positioned ... more YouTube is a company representative of its original context, Web 2.0, that originally positioned itself as an open and collaborative platform to broadcast videos created by all kinds of users; their slogan was, and remains, Broadcast yourself. The acquisition of YouTube by Google introduced it in the search for profit in the framework of OTT (over the top) communication. The YouTube homepage reveals the successive business policies followed by the platform. In this work we analyze the evolution of the unlogged homepage of YouTube Spain between 2009 and 2018. We observe the gradual disappearance of the videos produced by private users and its replacement by those made by professional users (youtu-bers) and cultural industries. There is a remarkable parallelism between the implementation of business models and the greater or lesser recommendation of video from one kind of user or another. Nota: Este artículo se puede leer en español en:
Chasqui, Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, 2019
This research characterizes Fidel Castro’s speeches on journalism and communication
between 1959 ... more This research characterizes Fidel Castro’s speeches on journalism and communication
between 1959 and 2008, time in which his political mandate elapsed. It
describes the communicative context in which discourses are inserted and discusses
strategies and discursive structures present in them, as forms of legitimization
of power that -as in so many other societies- use dominant groups. The
results indicate the use of strategies of positive self-presentation of the power
elites, framed in a concept of “the revolutionary”, and negative presentation of
all those social actors that manifest models of society contrary to their ideology.
Keywords: mass media; strategies; regulation; ideology; control.
Revista General de Información y Documentación, 2019
This paper analyses the Book Reviews published in Communication journals indexed in the
category ... more This paper analyses the Book Reviews published in Communication journals indexed in the
category Social Science Citation Index (WoS) in the period 2013-2017. Through the co-presence of
the same works reviewed in different journals, the aim is to study the relationship of similarity
between journals in the area. The results show how 25 journals do not publish reviews, analyzing 63
journals, which allows to study the individual similarity of journals and at the same time generate area
maps. The methodological proposal is valid but limited. The results in the area of Communication are
logical, grouping the journals by defined topics. Using bibliographic reviews as an element of
similarity between journals should in any case be complementary to other methods and will be
especially significant in areas of Humanities, where books are the object of study.
Keywords: Bibliographic Reviews; Journals; Communication Journals; Maps of Journals; Cluster of
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2019
Resumen. La investigación que se presenta analiza qué, cómo y cuánto se informa a la sociedad sob... more Resumen. La investigación que se presenta analiza qué, cómo y cuánto se informa a la sociedad sobre ciencia y tecnología en periódicos nacionales, a partir del estudio de grandes reportajes publicados en tres países diferentes de Iberoamérica: Costa Rica, España y México; mediante sus periódicos de referencia dominante: La Nación, El País y El Universal respectivamente. El objetivo principal fue caracterizar los 155 reportajes recopilados durante el plazo entre enero y junio del 2015. Entre los resultados obtenidos, las ciencias de la salud tuvieron mayor presencia y las ciencias exactas el más bajo. Hay grandes diferencias por país en cuanto al uso de fuentes, tratamiento, estructuras y en el acto propio de la narración; se triplica la presencia de expertos masculinos sobre los femeninos; y hay vacíos en coberturas sobre innovación, enfoques alternativos, conflictos de intereses, controversias, política científica, cooperación e implicaciones éticas de la investigación científica. Abstract. The research analyzes what, how and how much society is informed about science and technology in national newspapers, from the study of great reports published in three different countries of Ibero-America: Costa Rica, Spain and Mexico; in the dominant reference newspapers: La Nación, El País and El Universal, respectively. The main objective was to characterize the 155 reports compiled during the period between January and June 2015. Among the results obtained, the health sciences had a greater presence and the exact sciences the lowest. There are large differences by country in sources included, treatment, structures and in the narration used; the presence of male experts is tripled over female experts; and there are gaps in coverage on innovation, alternative approaches, conflicts of interest, controversies, scientific policy, cooperation and ethical implications of scientific research.
L’institutionnalisation du système de communication de la société industrielle a compris, entre a... more L’institutionnalisation du système de communication de la société industrielle a compris, entre autres choses, l’établissement d’un modèle dominant pour son interprétation. Mais maintenant les communications changent, dans un cadre général de changements techniques et socioculturels. Ce qui exige que changent aussi les façons de comprendre les communications. Cette présentation s’occupe en spécial d’une des facettes plus importants des communications actuelles, la participation des usagers, en faisant attention à certains aspects épistémologiques qui affectent à la compréhension de ces participations.
Comunicar, Feb 2, 2008
Mobile communication systems are responsible for the significant changes that are taking place in... more Mobile communication systems are responsible for the significant changes that are taking place in cultural practices. The mobile phone has established itself as a portable, multi-use, interactive device that individuals use to enable them to manage important aspects of their work and leisure time. This article is based on research that aims to understand the phenomenon of mobile TV, the related trends (in terms of experiences, ideas, and models), and the type of user that operates this device. This article also analyses the values and perceptions of users as well as the benefits and drawbacks they encounter when using mobile TV. The study develops a mobile TV content test by using a viewing experience among 100 students from the universities of Malaga and Seville, in Spain. Structured questionnaires with closed questions are used with qualitative techniques that promote virtual discussion in forums that focuses on face-to-face groups. Altogether, the study has enabled the development of a theoretical model of the phenomenon of mobile TV, and has classified user preferences in terms of ergonomic technology, delivery dynamics, the economic value of services, and consumption patterns and scenarios. The main results focus on participants' evaluations of mobile media narrative and the cross-platform experience.
Comunicaciones presentadas para las I Jornadas de Investigación Doctoral sobre Comunicación y Mús... more Comunicaciones presentadas para las I Jornadas de Investigación Doctoral sobre Comunicación y Música, celebradas el 7 de junio de 2010 en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Málaga.
Western popular culture includes many stories (with different formats and media, including musica... more Western popular culture includes many stories (with different formats and media, including musical works) concerning the man-machine relationships. Most of them with strong mythic resonances (from Greek and other mythologies nourishing Western culture) and more oriented towards the dystopian than utopian. The influence of these visions of mythical background has provoked an interesting debate in recent decades on the man-machine relationship, mainly affecting the “agency” (who controls the actions of the machine?) That debate moves (with much of its resonances) to the field of music, where the recent development of IAMUS intensifies the controversy. In that field, this debate is connected with other elements that have nurtured the "myth of music" (established within industrial society): especially, the author (genius) and the “authenticity". Understanding the man-machine relationships in the field of music, and ponder their future considering inventions like Iamus, re...
La institucionalización del sistema de comunicación de la sociedad industrial incluye, entre otra... more La institucionalización del sistema de comunicación de la sociedad industrial incluye, entre otras cosas, el establecimiento de un modelo dominante para su interpretación. Pero ahora las comunicaciones cambian, en el contexto general de una serie de cambios técnicos y socio-culturales. Y ello también requiere el ccambiar las formas de entender las comunicaciones. Esta presentación trata en especial una de las facetas más importantes de las comunicaciones actuales, la participación de los usuarios, prestando atención a ciertos aspectos epistemológicos que afectan a la comprensión de esa participación.
una tele en el bolsillo. (La televisión en el teléfono móvil: contenidos, formatos, audiencias). ... more una tele en el bolsillo. (La televisión en el teléfono móvil: contenidos, formatos, audiencias). miguel de aguilera y marco meere (coords.) isBn: 978-84-613-4049-1 depósito Legal: © Los autores. © seJ 435 y Kálida Producciones s.L. diseño: marina Pérez oncala © círculo de estudios visuales adHoc Working Papers de la investigación "La industria de los contenidos audiovisuales ante su mutación digital.
Comunicación y Cultura, 1998
ResuMen La investigación sobre la comunicación que se lleva a cabo en Esparia ba conocido una evo... more ResuMen La investigación sobre la comunicación que se lleva a cabo en Esparia ba conocido una evolución acelerada desde que se inició bace unas décadas hasta la actualidad, en que ha alcanzado un importante desarrollo, tanto por la can-tidad de trabajos que se realizan ...
Artículo de investigación bibliográfico y análisis de fuentes. Referencia: Miguel de Aguilera y A... more Artículo de investigación bibliográfico y análisis de fuentes. Referencia: Miguel de Aguilera y Alfonso Méndiz, “Un balance de la investigación sobre videojuegos: análisis de efectos y valoración de su capacidad educativa”, Texto Abierto, Revista de la Universidad Iberoamericana de León, México, año IV, nº 6, Primavera 2005, pp. 9-51
This article reviews the different models of Communication at the University and its evolution ov... more This article reviews the different models of Communication at the University and its evolution over time. As a proposal, it analyzes the main European trends regarding academic and communication strategies using a sample of 30 European universities. Also discussed the availability of some of the new technological tools used in these universities and analyzed the use of social networks in five Spanish universities. Miguel de Aguilera Moyano et al.: La comunicación universitaria 8/2 REVISTA ICONO 14 -A8/V2pp. 90/124 | 07/2010 | REVISTA DE COMUNICACIÓN Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS | ISSN: 1697-8293 C/ Salud, 15 5º dcha. 28013 -Madrid | CIF: G -84075977 | 1-91
Psychology of Media in Europe, 1995
Communication et organisation, 2006
Nos activités communicationnelles (y compris celles reliées à la recherche scientifique) sont con... more Nos activités communicationnelles (y compris celles reliées à la recherche scientifique) sont conditionnées par le contexte dans lequel elles se développent. La recherche en communication, alors, n'a pu éviter l'influence de divers éléments de type « matériel » et « idéal » qui déterminent les contextes dans lesquels elle s'est développée. Parmi ces éléments, on inclut les manières de définir et de penser la communication, les différentes orientations scientifiques et les objets d'études correspondants. Cet article traite particulièrement de quelques éléments de type « idéal » : les « mythes de la communication et la culture » qui ont contribué à établir des cadres théoriques sur la communication en précisant un objet d'étude, objet appliqué à l'ensemble des communications humaines rendant plus difficile la compréhension de quelques modes de communication les plus significatifs en les obscurcissant. Bien que cet objet d'étude concerne les développements les plus récents, il existe aussi d'autres modèles théoriques, dans un cadre historique soumis aux changements, centrés sur un objet d'étude sûrement plus approprié à comprendre les communications.
Revista ICONO14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 2012
Papers by Miguel de Aguilera
between 1959 and 2008, time in which his political mandate elapsed. It
describes the communicative context in which discourses are inserted and discusses
strategies and discursive structures present in them, as forms of legitimization
of power that -as in so many other societies- use dominant groups. The
results indicate the use of strategies of positive self-presentation of the power
elites, framed in a concept of “the revolutionary”, and negative presentation of
all those social actors that manifest models of society contrary to their ideology.
Keywords: mass media; strategies; regulation; ideology; control.
category Social Science Citation Index (WoS) in the period 2013-2017. Through the co-presence of
the same works reviewed in different journals, the aim is to study the relationship of similarity
between journals in the area. The results show how 25 journals do not publish reviews, analyzing 63
journals, which allows to study the individual similarity of journals and at the same time generate area
maps. The methodological proposal is valid but limited. The results in the area of Communication are
logical, grouping the journals by defined topics. Using bibliographic reviews as an element of
similarity between journals should in any case be complementary to other methods and will be
especially significant in areas of Humanities, where books are the object of study.
Keywords: Bibliographic Reviews; Journals; Communication Journals; Maps of Journals; Cluster of
between 1959 and 2008, time in which his political mandate elapsed. It
describes the communicative context in which discourses are inserted and discusses
strategies and discursive structures present in them, as forms of legitimization
of power that -as in so many other societies- use dominant groups. The
results indicate the use of strategies of positive self-presentation of the power
elites, framed in a concept of “the revolutionary”, and negative presentation of
all those social actors that manifest models of society contrary to their ideology.
Keywords: mass media; strategies; regulation; ideology; control.
category Social Science Citation Index (WoS) in the period 2013-2017. Through the co-presence of
the same works reviewed in different journals, the aim is to study the relationship of similarity
between journals in the area. The results show how 25 journals do not publish reviews, analyzing 63
journals, which allows to study the individual similarity of journals and at the same time generate area
maps. The methodological proposal is valid but limited. The results in the area of Communication are
logical, grouping the journals by defined topics. Using bibliographic reviews as an element of
similarity between journals should in any case be complementary to other methods and will be
especially significant in areas of Humanities, where books are the object of study.
Keywords: Bibliographic Reviews; Journals; Communication Journals; Maps of Journals; Cluster of
En su estudio titulado “Telegames Teach More Than You Think”, Ball apunta ya dos líneas de investigación que luego serán muy comunes en la bibliografía posterior:
a) Por una parte, analiza la potencialidad de los videojuegos para desarrollar las capacidades espaciales de los niños, con especial incidencia en los aspectos tridimensionales y de simulación de mundos reales. Este aspecto será en muy poco tiempo un ámbito de investigación muy trabajado, al que prestarán especial atención todos los autores que investiguen el mundo de los video games . Entre esos trabajos iniciáticos, cabe señalar los de B. Lowery y F. Knirk (1982-83), D. Gagnon (1985), Greenfield (1985) y M. Dorval y M. Pépin (1986). En todos los casos, los investigadores concluyen que la experiencia y la destreza mostradas por el jugador actúan como efectos acumuladores en el desarrollo del juego. Así pues, este primer acercamiento al análisis de las posibilidades educativas nos muestra las virtudes, ratificadas en estudios posteriores, relacionadas con las capacidades espaciales.
b) Por otra, Ball examinó también los componentes procedimentales básicos en la formación intelectual de niños y adolescentes, como son el lenguaje y las matemáticas. En ese contexto, investigó el papel desempeñado por los videojuegos; y entre sus conclusiones destacan algunas que aún hoy pueden considerarse atrevidas, como que los juegos electrónicos favorecen diversas destrezas intelectuales: la asimilación de conceptos numéricos, la comprensión lectora e, incluso, el estímulo de la lectura.