Vouched 1.9.0

Vouched 1.9.0

Maintained by Marcus Oliver, Jay Lorenzo.

Vouched 1.9.0

  • By
  • Vouched


Version License Platform

Run the Example

  1. Clone the repo and run pod install from the Example directory
  2. Setup the environment variables
  3. Add inference_graph.tflite and labelmap_mobilenet_card.txt to the ./Example/Vouched directory. Ensure these files are in Copy Bundle Resources
  4. Run Vouched-Example on a device with iOS 11.0+

1st Screen - Name Input (Optional)
2st Screen - Card Detection
3nd Screen - Face Detection
4th Screen - ID Verification Results
5th Screen - Face Authenticaion (Demo purposes only)

Features displayed in Example

  • ID Card and Passport Detection
  • Face Detection (w and w/o liveness)
  • ID Verification
  • Name Verification
  • Face Authenticaion (Demo purposes only)

How to use the Vouched Library

The Vouched library are the contents of the Vouched directory. The goal is to distribute the library as a CocoaPod. To use the library in your own project refer to the following code snippets:

ID Card detection and submission

import Vouched
let cardDetect = CardDetect()
let session: VouchedSession = VouchedSession(type: .idVerificationWithFace)

let detectedCard = cardDetect.detect(cvPixelBuffer)

if let detectedCard = detectedCard {
  switch detectedCard.step {
  case .preDetected:
    // prompt user to show ID card
  case .detected:
  case .postable:
    do {
      let job = try session.postFrontId(detectedCard: detectedCard)
      let retryableErrors = VouchedUtils.extractRetryableErrors(job)
      if !retryableErrors.isEmpty {
        // retry card detection
    } catch {
      // handle error cases
} else {
    // prompt user to show ID card

Face(Selfie) detection and submission

import Vouched
let faceDetect = FaceDetect(config: FaceDetectConfig(liveness: .mouthMovement))

if let detectedFace = detectedFace {
  switch detectedFace.step {
  case .preDetected:
    // prompt user to look into camera
  case .detected:
  case .postable:
    do {
      // make sure to use the same session instance created previously
      let job = try session.postFace(detectedFace: detectedFace)
      let retryableErrors = VouchedUtils.extractRetryableErrors(job)
      if !retryableErrors.isEmpty {
        // retry face detection
    } catch {
      // handle error cases
} else {
    // prompt user to look into camera

Debugging/Logging Vouched
Destinations - where the log output is written

  • .xcode (Xcode output)
  • .console (Console app via os_log)
  • .none

Levels - the severity of the log

  • .debug
  • .info
  • .error

The level is inclusive of more severe logs. i.e - debug will also log info and error

Configure VouchedLogger to the destination and level desired

VouchedLogger.shared.configure(destination: .xcode, level: .debug)

If not configured, VouchedLogger defaults to .none and .error

Environment Variables

Set Environment Variables:

XCConfig Reference. Create Example/Development.xcconfig where the contents are:

APP_NAME = Vouched (Dev)

// local dev server usage only. Otherwise don't specify API_URL
API_URL = http:$(SLASH)/localhost:7700


Located under: Example/Tests

Running tests:

  • Open Xcode
  • Select Product/Test (Cmd+U)


Vouched is available under the Apache License 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.