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Implementation of XRechnung according to the law of e-government (EGovG)

Based on the law of e-invoicing dated 4th April 2017 (BGBI. I, 770 ff) as well as the Federal Government’s Regulation on Electronic Invoicing (ERechV), CISPA is obliged to accept electronic invoices (e-invoices).

All invoicing parties are mandated to issue and transmit invoices exceeding order values of € 1,000 in electronic form (§ 4 ERechV).

Exceptions to the obligation, for example in the case of direct orders up to € 1,000 net, are governed by § 3 (3) of the ERechV.

The following applies to invoices and credit notes (to simplify reading, the term “invoice” will be used throughout):

Invoices exceeding € 1,000 order value (net)

The following alternative ways are available for the transmission of electronic invoices to CISPA:

In order for your invoice to be assigned correctly, it is mandatory to submit our buyer reference ID 992-80255-64.

Please note the following requirements for e-invoices.

For more information please visit Language can be switched to English.

In addition to the mandatory information required by german VAT law (§ 14 UStG), an electronic invoice must contain the following information in accordance with § 5 ERechV:

  • Buyer reference number (CISPA's buyer reference ID is: 992-80255-64).
  • Payment terms or due date
  • Bank details of the payee
  • Biller´s e-mail address

In addition, an electronic invoice must include the following information if it was provided to the biller by the ordering party at the time of order or in advance:

  • Purchase order number
  • Supplier reference

All billing-related information must be transmitted in a generally machine-readable form and may not be included outside the designated text fields.

  • For issuing electronic invoices, the XRechnung (e-invoice) standard must always be used in the current version. Another standard may also be used if it meets the requirements of the European standard for electronic invoicing and the federal E-RechV.
  • Please note the different mailboxes
  • Only invoices from the correct mailboxes will be processed.
  • Please send each invoice only once. Additional sending of the invoice in paper or file format is not permitted.
  • An e-mail may only contain one invoice.
  • Invoice supporting documents or attachments must be embedded in the invoice data and may not be sent as an attachment to an e-mail.
  • The maximum size of an invoice is 10 MB.
  • The maximum number of embedded invoice supporting documents is limited to 200. Allowed file types of embedded documents are: "png", "pdf", "jpg", "jpeg" and "csv". Attachments must not contain active content (e.g. macros).
  • Please do not send any advertising, newsletters, contract documents or the like to the above-mentioned e-mail addresses.
  • Invoice documents with attachments that require a paper-based method of transmission under other legal provisions (export certificates, customs documents or similar) remain unaffected by the above regulations.

  • For the transmission of electronic invoices, the OZG-compliant invoice receipt platform (OZG-RE) is available, which can be accessed at
  • This requires a one-time registration.
  • Further information on electronic invoicing can be found at the given address.
  • The language can be switched to English.
  • The requirements for transmission via e-mail apply analogously.
  • Please send each invoice only once. Additional sending of the invoice in paper or file format is not permitted.




Invoices with an order value of less than € 1,000 (net)

Invoicing parties who are not mandated to submit electronic invoices according to § 3 (3) ERechV have the alternative of submitting invoices as PDF to [email protected]  in addition to the aforementioned electronic formats.

  • Please transmit exclusively to [email protected].
  • Only invoices from this mailbox will be processed.
  • Please send each invoice only once. Additional sending of the invoice in paper or file format is not permitted.
  • An e-mail may only contain one invoice.
  • The invoice must be sent in PDF file format as an attachment to the e-mail; invoices may be in portrait or landscape format, but may not be rotated; other file formats will not be considered (e.g. Word, Excel, zip, etc.).
  • The e-mail must not exceed the maximum size of 10 MB.
  • Attachments may be included in PDF format. In this case either the attachments or the invoice must be identified in the file name.
  • Please name invoices as follows: *Rech*.pdf, *Inv*.pdf, *Faktura*.pdf, *Gutschrift*.pdf or *RG*.pdf
  • Alternatively please name attachments as follows: *Anla*.pdf, *Liefersch*.pdf, *Anhang*.pdf or*Attach*.pdf
  • (the asterisk means that there may be additional text).
  • Please do not send any advertising, newsletters, contract documents or the like to the above-mentioned e-mail address.
  • Invoice documents with attachments that require a paper-based method of transmission under other legal provisions (export certificates, customs documents or similar) remain unaffected by the above regulations.




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your cooperation in the implementation of electronic invoicing.