Run a bcoin full node in a web browser


Because bcoin is written in JavaScript, the entire codebase can be interpreted by a standard web browser like Chrome or Firefox. We use webpack to compile the library. This process resolves all the require() statements that a NodeJS server can follow but a browser can not. Webpack is also configured to use -browser versions of some modules for things like databases and cryptography. Finally, it compresses the code by renaming functions and variables, and removing as much whitespace as possible. The entire bcoin codebase compresses down to around 1.5 MB!

The second magic trick is connecting the web browser to the actual Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. For security reasons, web browsers do not allow scripts to create TCP connections to any server besides the one they are loaded from. To get around this, we will need to run a proxy server that makes TCP connections on behalf of the web client, and forwards all the data through a websocket back to the browser.

Step 1: Prepare the code for the browser

First, install bcoin from the GitHub repository like usual:

git clone
cd bcoin
npm install

Next, we'll need to install webpack to format the code for the browser:

npm install webpack

The first time you run webpack, it might prompt you to install webpack-cli, enter yes.

One CLI for webpack must be installed. These are recommended choices, delivered as separate packages: - webpack-cli ( The original webpack full-featured CLI. We will use "npm" to install the CLI via "npm install -D". Do you want to install 'webpack-cli' (yes/no):

Now use webpack to "browserify" the code. There is already a command for this in the package.json file in the bcoin repository. You may notice that webapck config files are also stored in the root directory. The config file for this task is It will be loaded automatically when you run the command:

npm run webpack-app

This command creates two new files in the /browser directory: app.js and worker.js.

app.js contains the entire bcoin library plus the basic functions of the actual web interface. worker.js is a script that allows the main thread to spawn sub-processes to handle some tasks in parallel.

Note: `bcoin` and the logging package `blgr` have been recently updated, make sure you have installed updated versions with these patches merged: [blgr PR#1](, [bcoin PR#622](

Step 2: Run the proxy server locally

The /browser directory in the bcoin repository contains a server.js script which serves two functions. It serves the browser-compatible bcoin package in a simple web interface, and it also runs the proxy server wsproxy.js.

Start the server with the command:

node browser/server.js

...then navigate a web browser to https://localhost:8080

Did it work?

bcoin in the browser

Wow! What is going on?!

The bcoin full node in the browser package has been configured like this:

// browser/src/app.js

const ProxySocket = require('./proxysocket');

const node = new FullNode({
  hash: true,
  query: true,
  prune: true,
  network: 'main',
  memory: false,
  coinCache: 30,
  logConsole: true,
  workers: true,
  workerFile: '/worker.js',
  createSocket: (port, host) => {
    const proto = global.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws';
    const hostname =;
    return ProxySocket.connect(`${proto}:https://${hostname}`, port, host);
  logger: logger,
  plugins: [plugin]

Note especially the createSocket option. bcoin was designed with the flexibility to completely replace the network connectivity method with any arbitrary function. In this case, we are configuring bcoin to make all TCP connections and data requests through an object called ProxySocket.

proxysocket.js runs in the browser and establishes websocket connections with wsproxy.js which runs on the server. All requests for Bitcoin data (transactions, blocks, SPV filters, peer data, etc.) are routed through this websocket connection. wsproxy.js makes the actual TCP connections to peers on the live Bitcoin network, and simply forwards the raw data back to the browser.

The full node running in the browser "has no idea" that it's not actually connected directly to the Bitcoin network.

There is even a text input field for executing RPC commands. Try entering "getinfo" there and hitting enter. The responding pop-up window can be closed by clicking anywhere else on the web page.

Step 3: Run the web and proxy server remotely

So far we are running both server and client on the same machine. If we wanted to host a bcoin-in-a-browser website like the one at we just need to tweak a few parameters in browser/server.js. Note the web server configuration happening here:

// browser/server.js

const server = bweb.server({
  port: Number(process.argv[2]) || 8080,
  sockets: false

It turns out that when we ran the command to start the web server we could also have added a port argument. If your server only has certain ports open you may need to add that argument to the command:

node browser/server.js 5000

In addition, the default behavior for a bweb server is only to serve locally (on or localhost). To open your server to the internet like we have at, you need to add a specific host option to the configuration like so:

// browser/server.js

const server = bweb.server({
  host: '',
  port: Number(process.argv[2]) || 8080,
  sockets: false

Step 4: What's next?

A cryptic note from the mysterious creator of bcoin was left behind in the original code repository:

This is a simple proof-of-concept. It's not a pretty interface. I hope to see others doing something far more interesting. A browser extension may be better: the chrome extension API exposes raw TCP access.

Also be sure to check out bpanel, the web-based user interface for bcoin. The browser package we just built could be installed into a bpanel plugin -- creating a totally self-contained, extensible, fully validating Bitcoin web applicaiton.