








注: ジャッジのステータスがコンパイルエラー(CE)のときはペナルティがつきません

時間 = 最後に正解した時間 + (正解するまでに提出した)不正解の数*5分


04:33A 正解
10:22B 不正解
11:03B 正解

この場合、最終スコアは2問正解で時間は16:03(11:03 + 5:00)となります

「(正解するまでに提出した)不正解の数」 とは以下の例を考えるとわかりやすいかもしれません。

02:05A 正解
10:56B 正解
31:03C 不正解
45:37C 不正解
51:43C 不正解
88:22D 正解





LanguageCompile / InterpreterExecution Command
C++ 20 (gcc 12.2)g++-12 -std=gnu++20 -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER \
-Wall -Wextra \
-mtune=native -march=native \
-fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-loop-limit=2147483647 -fconstexpr-ops-limit=2147483647 \
-I/opt/ac-library -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib \
-o a.out Main.cpp \
-lgmpxx -lgmp \

Go (go 1.20.6)export PATH=$PATH:/opt/go/bin
go build -o a.out
C# 11.0 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Kotlin (Kotlin/JVM 1.8.20)$HOME/.sdkman/candidates/kotlin/current/bin/kotlinc ./Main.kt -include-runtime -jvm-target 19 -d ./Main.jar
Java (OpenJDK 17)javac Main.java
Nim (Nim 1.6.14)export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
nim cpp -d:release --opt:speed --multimethods:on --warning[SmallLshouldNotBeUsed]:off --hints:off -o:a.out Main.nim
V (V 0.4)v -prod -cc clang -skip-unused -manualfree -prealloc -gc none -no-bounds-checking -o a.out Main.v
Zig (Zig 0.10.1)zig build
JavaScript (Node.js 18.16.1)node --check Main.js && touch ok
JavaScript (Deno 1.35.1)export NO_COLOR=true
export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.deno/bin

# キャッシュしつつ、import・構文などをチェック
if deno cache --quiet Main.js > check-output 2>&1 ; then
touch ok
cat check-output 1>&2
if grep -q "error sending request for url (http" check-output 2>/dev/null; then
# ライブラリをダウンロードしようとした場合はヒントを表示
echo "---" 1>&2
echo "Tips from the judge system: The only available external libraries are:" 1>&2
echo "- [email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "Please make sure to specify the version number when importing." 1>&2
R (GNU R 4.2.1)Rscript Main.R < /dev/null &> /dev/null
Rscript -e "parse('Main.R')" && touch a.out
D (DMD 2.104.0)export DFLAGS="-O -release -boundscheck=off"
dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps
D (LDC 1.32.2)dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps --build=release-nobounds
Swift (swift 5.8.1)export PATH=/usr/local/swift/usr/bin:$PATH
swift build -Xswiftc -O -Xlinker -lm -c release 1>&2
Dart (Dart 3.0.5)dart compile exe Main.dart -o a.out
PHP (php 8.2.8)# チェックで問題が無かった場合OKファイルを生成
php -l Main.php && touch OK
C (gcc 12.2.0)gcc-12 -std=gnu2x -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -o a.out Main.c -lm
Ruby (ruby 3.2.2)ruby -c Main.rb && touch syntax_ok
Crystal (Crystal 1.9.1)cd main && shards build --release --no-debug --no-color -Donline_judge 1>&2
Brainfuck (bf 20041219)["bf","-c999999999","Main.bf"]
F# 7.0 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Julia (Julia 1.9.2)export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.juliaup/bin
julia -e "Meta.parse(\"begin \" * read(\"Main.jl\",String) * \" end\")" && touch ok
julia Main.jl ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Bash (bash 5.2.2)bash -n Main.bash || rm Main.bash
Text (cat 8.32)["cat","Main.text"]
Haskell (GHC 9.4.5)cd submission
source ~/.ghcup/env
cabal v2-build --offline && cp $(cabal list-bin main) ../
Fortran (gfortran 12.2)export FFLAGS="-O2 -std=f2018"
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=NoConfig
cmake --build build
Lua (LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)luajit -O3 -b Main.lua luac.out
C++ 23 (gcc 12.2)g++-12 -std=gnu++2b -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER \
-Wall -Wextra \
-mtune=native -march=native \
-fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-loop-limit=2147483647 -fconstexpr-ops-limit=2147483647 \
-I/opt/ac-library -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib \
-o a.out Main.cpp \
-lgmpxx -lgmp \
Common Lisp (SBCL 2.3.6)export SBCL_HOME=/usr/local/lib/sbcl
./sbcl --noinform --eval '(compile-file "Main.lisp")' --quit
if [ -f Main.fasl ]; then
chmod +x Main.fasl
COBOL (Free) (GnuCOBOL 3.1.2)cobc -x -free -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.cbl
C++ 23 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++2b -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
Zsh (Zsh 5.9)zsh -n Main.zsh || rm Main.zsh
SageMath (SageMath 9.5)sage --preparse Main.sage && python3 -m py_compile Main.sage.py || rm Main.sage.py
Sed (GNU sed 4.8)["sed","-f","Main.sed"]
bc (bc 1.07.1)["bc","--mathlib","Main.bc"]
dc (dc 1.07.1)["dc","-f","Main.dc"]
Perl (perl 5.34)perl -c Main.pl && touch ok
AWK (GNU Awk 5.0.1)["awk","-f","Main.awk"]
なでしこ (cnako3 3.4.20)cnako3 -c Main.nako3
Assembly x64 (NASM 2.15.05)nasm -f elf64 Main.asm && gcc -o a.out Main.o -lm
Pascal (fpc 3.2.2)fpc -O2 -Sd -Sh -v0z -oa.out Main.p
C# 11.0 AOT (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Lua (Lua 5.4.6)export PATH=$PATH:/judge/lua-5.4.6/src
luac -o luac.out Main.lua
Prolog (SWI-Prolog 9.0.4)swipl -O -g main -o a.out -c Main.pl
# source 内で main :-
PowerShell (PowerShell 7.3.1)["pwsh","./Main.ps1"]
Scheme (Gauche 0.9.12)["gosh","./Main.scm"]
Scala 3.3.0 (Scala Native 0.4.14)cd main && sbt "set offline := true" nativeLink 1>&2
Visual Basic 16.9 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Forth (gforth 0.7.3)["gforth-fast","Main.fs","-e","bye"]
Clojure (babashka 1.3.181)["bb","Main.clj"]
Erlang (Erlang 26.0.2)export PATH=/home/runner/.asdf/installs/erlang/26.0.2/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
erlc Main.erl 1>&2
TypeScript 5.1 (Deno 1.35.1)export NO_COLOR=true
export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.deno/bin

# キャッシュしつつ、import・型・構文などをチェック
if deno cache --quiet --check Main.ts > check-output 2>&1 ; then
touch ok
cat check-output 1>&2
if grep -q "error sending request for url (http" check-output 2>/dev/null; then
# ライブラリをダウンロードしようとした場合はヒントを表示
echo "---" 1>&2
echo "Tips from the judge system: The only available external libraries are:" 1>&2
echo "- [email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "Please make sure to specify the version number when importing." 1>&2
C++ 17 (gcc 12.2)g++ -std=gnu++17 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib -I/opt/ac-library -o a.out Main.cpp
Rust (rustc 1.70.0)cargo build --release --quiet --offline
Python (CPython 3.11.4)python3.11 -m py_compile Main.py
python3.11 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Scala (Dotty 3.3.0)scala-cli --power package --bloop-jvm system --jvm system -S 3.3.0 Main.scala -o Main --assembly 2>&1 | ansifilter 1>&2
Koka (koka 2.4.0)koka -O2 -o a.out Main.kk 1>&2
if [ -f a.out ]; then chmod +x a.out; fi
TypeScript 5.1 (Node.js 18.16.1)tsc Main.ts --target ESNext --moduleResolution node --module commonjs --noEmitOnError --pretty true | ansifilter 1>&2
OCaml (ocamlopt 5.0.0)eval $(opam env) ocamlfind ocamlopt -O2 -o a.out \
main.ml -linkpkg -thread \
-package str,num,threads,containers,core,iter,batteries
Raku (Rakudo 2023.06)export PATH=/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin:$PATH
raku -c Main.p6 && touch ok
Vim (vim 9.0.0242)["bash","-c","cat - > /tmp/out; TERM=dumb vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -s Main.vim /tmp/out > /dev/null 2>&1; cat /tmp/out"]
Emacs Lisp (Native Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)emacs --batch -f package-initialize --eval '(native-compile "Main.el" (expand-file-name "Main.eln"))'
Python (Mambaforge / CPython 3.10.10)~/mambaforge/bin/python3.10 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Clojure (clojure 1.11.1)["clojure","-J-Xss{memory:mb}M","-M","Main.clj"]
プロデル (mono版プロデル 1.9.1182)mono produire-mono/rdrc.exe /mono /console produire-mono/Main.rdr > compile-out
result=$(tail -1 compile-out)
if [ "$result" = "失敗しました。" ]; then
rm produire-mono/Main.exe
cat compile-out 1>&2
ECLiPSe (ECLiPSe 7.1_13)export PATH=$PATH:/judge/eclipse/bin/x86_64_linux
echo "compile('Main.ecl', [output: eco, debug: off])" | eclipse -f Main.ecl
Nibbles (literate form) (nibbles 1.01)./nibbles -hs Main.nbl && ~/.ghcup/bin/ghcup --offline run --quick --ghc 8.10.7 -- ghc -O2 out.hs
Ada (GNAT 12.2)gnat make -O2 -o a.out Main.adb
jq (jq 1.6)["jq","-MrRs","-f","Main.jq"]
Cyber (Cyber v0.2-Latest)if cyber compile Main.cy > compile-out 2>&1; then
touch ok
cat compile-out 1>&2
Carp (Carp 0.5.5)export CARP_DIR=/opt/carp-v0.5.5-x86_64-linux
carp -b --optimize Main.carp 1>&2
C++ 17 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
C++ 20 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++20 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
LLVM IR (Clang 16.0.6)clang-16 -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.ll
Emacs Lisp (Byte Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)emacs --batch -f package-initialize -f batch-byte-compile Main.el
Factor (Factor 0.98)["/opt/factor/factor","Main.factor"]
D (GDC 12.2)dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps --build=release-nobounds
Python (PyPy 3.10-v7.3.12)pypy3 -m py_compile Main.py
pypy3 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Whitespace (whitespacers 1.0.0)wsc --dump Main.dump Main.ws
><> (fishr 0.1.0)["fishr","Main.fish"]
ReasonML (reason 3.9.0)cd main
eval $(opam env)
dune build --release
Python (Cython 0.29.34)python3.11 -c "from Cython.Build import cythonize;from Cython.Compiler import Options;Options.embed='main';cythonize('Main.pyx', language='c++', compiler_directives={'language_level':'3'})"
g++ -Wno-deprecated-declarations -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/local/include/python3.11 -I$HOME/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/include -o a.out Main.cpp -lpython3.11
Octave (GNU Octave 8.2.0)octave -W --eval 'disp("Hello, world!")'
Haxe (JVM) (Haxe 4.3.1)export PATH=/opt/haxe_20230428195743_964c84c:$PATH
haxe -D analyzer-optimize --jvm Main.jar --main Main
Elixir (Elixir 1.15.2)export PATH=/home/runner/.asdf/installs/erlang/26.0.2/bin:/opt/elixir/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
mix compile
Mercury (Mercury 22.01.6)mmc -o a.out -O 5 main
Seed7 (Seed7 3.2.1)s7c -O2 -oc3 Main.sd7 1>&2
Emacs Lisp (No Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)["emacs","--batch","-f","package-initialize","-l","Main.el"]
Unison (Unison M5b)sh -c "echo 'load main.u'; sleep 5 ; echo 'add'" | /opt/ucm/ucm > compile-out
echo 'compile main main' | /opt/ucm/ucm
if [ ! -f main.uc ]; then
cat compile-out | ansifilter 1>&2
COBOL (GnuCOBOL(Fixed) 3.1.2)cobc -x -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.cbl







  1. 自作ライブラリの使用
  2. インターネットでの検索






  1. その時点での各問題に対するAC数
  2. First ACした人
  3. 「全完した」などの発言
  1. 「面白かった」などの感想は問題ありません。
  2. しかし、「面白かった。A問題はox法を使って解いた」「ox法でA問題がTLEだった」「A問題はあることに気がつけば簡単だった」は、問題に言及する内容を含んでいるのでだめです。
  1. 解法に関する内容
  2. WAの回数、TLEの回数、テストケース数など。これらの情報はコンテスト終了まで公開されていません。
  3. 自分の問題に対する思考過程を書くこと。他者へのヒントとなりうるためです。お気をつけください。
  4. 自分で編集、編纂した問題文。問題文の一部だけを切り出したもの。例えば制約のみ書き込む行為など。




Anyone who is interested in programming can join

Team or Individual

Unless otherwise specified, you must compete in a contest alone. We DO NOT allow you to team up form with others.

How we judge who the winner is

The contestant who gives successful solutions to the largest number of problems in a given time will be the winner. If there are multiple contestants who have solved the same number of problems, whoever has done so in shorter time will be in the higher place.


Each time you submit a wrong answer, you will be penalized with penalty time.

NOTE: When Status of Judging is CE (compile error,) you will not be penalized.

Time = Time spent on the last problem you solved + the number of times you have submitted wrong answers until you solved the problem * 5 minutes

The following is an example.

Time [minute: second]Status
10:22B WRONG
C and D were not submitted

In this case, your ultimate score is 2 correct answers and Spent Time is 16:03(11:03 + 5:00).

Just to make sure, we will give you another example of "the number of times you have submitted wrong answers until you solved the problem" here.

Time [minute: second]Status
31:03C WRONG
45:37C WRONG
51:43C WRONG

In this case, the ultimate score is 3 correct answers and Spent Time is 88:22.

Although you have submitted wrong answers 3 times to the problem C, you did not submit the correct answer.Therefore, the penalty time will not be accumulated to the problem C.


The list below is programming languages supported by AtCoder system. Please solve the problem using a supported language.

LanguageCompile / InterpreterExecution Command
C++ 20 (gcc 12.2)g++-12 -std=gnu++20 -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER \
-Wall -Wextra \
-mtune=native -march=native \
-fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-loop-limit=2147483647 -fconstexpr-ops-limit=2147483647 \
-I/opt/ac-library -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib \
-o a.out Main.cpp \
-lgmpxx -lgmp \

Go (go 1.20.6)export PATH=$PATH:/opt/go/bin
go build -o a.out
C# 11.0 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Kotlin (Kotlin/JVM 1.8.20)$HOME/.sdkman/candidates/kotlin/current/bin/kotlinc ./Main.kt -include-runtime -jvm-target 19 -d ./Main.jar
Java (OpenJDK 17)javac Main.java
Nim (Nim 1.6.14)export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
nim cpp -d:release --opt:speed --multimethods:on --warning[SmallLshouldNotBeUsed]:off --hints:off -o:a.out Main.nim
V (V 0.4)v -prod -cc clang -skip-unused -manualfree -prealloc -gc none -no-bounds-checking -o a.out Main.v
Zig (Zig 0.10.1)zig build
JavaScript (Node.js 18.16.1)node --check Main.js && touch ok
JavaScript (Deno 1.35.1)export NO_COLOR=true
export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.deno/bin

# キャッシュしつつ、import・構文などをチェック
if deno cache --quiet Main.js > check-output 2>&1 ; then
touch ok
cat check-output 1>&2
if grep -q "error sending request for url (http" check-output 2>/dev/null; then
# ライブラリをダウンロードしようとした場合はヒントを表示
echo "---" 1>&2
echo "Tips from the judge system: The only available external libraries are:" 1>&2
echo "- [email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "Please make sure to specify the version number when importing." 1>&2
R (GNU R 4.2.1)Rscript Main.R < /dev/null &> /dev/null
Rscript -e "parse('Main.R')" && touch a.out
D (DMD 2.104.0)export DFLAGS="-O -release -boundscheck=off"
dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps
D (LDC 1.32.2)dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps --build=release-nobounds
Swift (swift 5.8.1)export PATH=/usr/local/swift/usr/bin:$PATH
swift build -Xswiftc -O -Xlinker -lm -c release 1>&2
Dart (Dart 3.0.5)dart compile exe Main.dart -o a.out
PHP (php 8.2.8)# チェックで問題が無かった場合OKファイルを生成
php -l Main.php && touch OK
C (gcc 12.2.0)gcc-12 -std=gnu2x -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -o a.out Main.c -lm
Ruby (ruby 3.2.2)ruby -c Main.rb && touch syntax_ok
Crystal (Crystal 1.9.1)cd main && shards build --release --no-debug --no-color -Donline_judge 1>&2
Brainfuck (bf 20041219)["bf","-c999999999","Main.bf"]
F# 7.0 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Julia (Julia 1.9.2)export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.juliaup/bin
julia -e "Meta.parse(\"begin \" * read(\"Main.jl\",String) * \" end\")" && touch ok
julia Main.jl ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Bash (bash 5.2.2)bash -n Main.bash || rm Main.bash
Text (cat 8.32)["cat","Main.text"]
Haskell (GHC 9.4.5)cd submission
source ~/.ghcup/env
cabal v2-build --offline && cp $(cabal list-bin main) ../
Fortran (gfortran 12.2)export FFLAGS="-O2 -std=f2018"
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=NoConfig
cmake --build build
Lua (LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)luajit -O3 -b Main.lua luac.out
C++ 23 (gcc 12.2)g++-12 -std=gnu++2b -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER \
-Wall -Wextra \
-mtune=native -march=native \
-fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-loop-limit=2147483647 -fconstexpr-ops-limit=2147483647 \
-I/opt/ac-library -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib \
-o a.out Main.cpp \
-lgmpxx -lgmp \
Common Lisp (SBCL 2.3.6)export SBCL_HOME=/usr/local/lib/sbcl
./sbcl --noinform --eval '(compile-file "Main.lisp")' --quit
if [ -f Main.fasl ]; then
chmod +x Main.fasl
COBOL (Free) (GnuCOBOL 3.1.2)cobc -x -free -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.cbl
C++ 23 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++2b -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
Zsh (Zsh 5.9)zsh -n Main.zsh || rm Main.zsh
SageMath (SageMath 9.5)sage --preparse Main.sage && python3 -m py_compile Main.sage.py || rm Main.sage.py
Sed (GNU sed 4.8)["sed","-f","Main.sed"]
bc (bc 1.07.1)["bc","--mathlib","Main.bc"]
dc (dc 1.07.1)["dc","-f","Main.dc"]
Perl (perl 5.34)perl -c Main.pl && touch ok
AWK (GNU Awk 5.0.1)["awk","-f","Main.awk"]
なでしこ (cnako3 3.4.20)cnako3 -c Main.nako3
Assembly x64 (NASM 2.15.05)nasm -f elf64 Main.asm && gcc -o a.out Main.o -lm
Pascal (fpc 3.2.2)fpc -O2 -Sd -Sh -v0z -oa.out Main.p
C# 11.0 AOT (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Lua (Lua 5.4.6)export PATH=$PATH:/judge/lua-5.4.6/src
luac -o luac.out Main.lua
Prolog (SWI-Prolog 9.0.4)swipl -O -g main -o a.out -c Main.pl
# source 内で main :-
PowerShell (PowerShell 7.3.1)["pwsh","./Main.ps1"]
Scheme (Gauche 0.9.12)["gosh","./Main.scm"]
Scala 3.3.0 (Scala Native 0.4.14)cd main && sbt "set offline := true" nativeLink 1>&2
Visual Basic 16.9 (.NET 7.0.7)export DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute=0
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -v q --nologo 1>&2
Forth (gforth 0.7.3)["gforth-fast","Main.fs","-e","bye"]
Clojure (babashka 1.3.181)["bb","Main.clj"]
Erlang (Erlang 26.0.2)export PATH=/home/runner/.asdf/installs/erlang/26.0.2/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
erlc Main.erl 1>&2
TypeScript 5.1 (Deno 1.35.1)export NO_COLOR=true
export PATH=$PATH:/home/runner/.deno/bin

# キャッシュしつつ、import・型・構文などをチェック
if deno cache --quiet --check Main.ts > check-output 2>&1 ; then
touch ok
cat check-output 1>&2
if grep -q "error sending request for url (http" check-output 2>/dev/null; then
# ライブラリをダウンロードしようとした場合はヒントを表示
echo "---" 1>&2
echo "Tips from the judge system: The only available external libraries are:" 1>&2
echo "- [email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "- npm:[email protected]" 1>&2
echo "Please make sure to specify the version number when importing." 1>&2
C++ 17 (gcc 12.2)g++ -std=gnu++17 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib -I/opt/ac-library -o a.out Main.cpp
Rust (rustc 1.70.0)cargo build --release --quiet --offline
Python (CPython 3.11.4)python3.11 -m py_compile Main.py
python3.11 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Scala (Dotty 3.3.0)scala-cli --power package --bloop-jvm system --jvm system -S 3.3.0 Main.scala -o Main --assembly 2>&1 | ansifilter 1>&2
Koka (koka 2.4.0)koka -O2 -o a.out Main.kk 1>&2
if [ -f a.out ]; then chmod +x a.out; fi
TypeScript 5.1 (Node.js 18.16.1)tsc Main.ts --target ESNext --moduleResolution node --module commonjs --noEmitOnError --pretty true | ansifilter 1>&2
OCaml (ocamlopt 5.0.0)eval $(opam env) ocamlfind ocamlopt -O2 -o a.out \
main.ml -linkpkg -thread \
-package str,num,threads,containers,core,iter,batteries
Raku (Rakudo 2023.06)export PATH=/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin:$PATH
raku -c Main.p6 && touch ok
Vim (vim 9.0.0242)["bash","-c","cat - > /tmp/out; TERM=dumb vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -s Main.vim /tmp/out > /dev/null 2>&1; cat /tmp/out"]
Emacs Lisp (Native Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)emacs --batch -f package-initialize --eval '(native-compile "Main.el" (expand-file-name "Main.eln"))'
Python (Mambaforge / CPython 3.10.10)~/mambaforge/bin/python3.10 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Clojure (clojure 1.11.1)["clojure","-J-Xss{memory:mb}M","-M","Main.clj"]
プロデル (mono版プロデル 1.9.1182)mono produire-mono/rdrc.exe /mono /console produire-mono/Main.rdr > compile-out
result=$(tail -1 compile-out)
if [ "$result" = "失敗しました。" ]; then
rm produire-mono/Main.exe
cat compile-out 1>&2
ECLiPSe (ECLiPSe 7.1_13)export PATH=$PATH:/judge/eclipse/bin/x86_64_linux
echo "compile('Main.ecl', [output: eco, debug: off])" | eclipse -f Main.ecl
Nibbles (literate form) (nibbles 1.01)./nibbles -hs Main.nbl && ~/.ghcup/bin/ghcup --offline run --quick --ghc 8.10.7 -- ghc -O2 out.hs
Ada (GNAT 12.2)gnat make -O2 -o a.out Main.adb
jq (jq 1.6)["jq","-MrRs","-f","Main.jq"]
Cyber (Cyber v0.2-Latest)if cyber compile Main.cy > compile-out 2>&1; then
touch ok
cat compile-out 1>&2
Carp (Carp 0.5.5)export CARP_DIR=/opt/carp-v0.5.5-x86_64-linux
carp -b --optimize Main.carp 1>&2
C++ 17 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
C++ 20 (Clang 16.0.6)clang++ -std=c++20 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -DATCODER -mtune=native -march=native -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647 -I/opt/boost/clang/include -L/opt/boost/clang/lib -I/opt/ac-library -I/usr/include/eigen3 -fuse-ld=lld -o ./a.out ./Main.cpp
LLVM IR (Clang 16.0.6)clang-16 -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.ll
Emacs Lisp (Byte Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)emacs --batch -f package-initialize -f batch-byte-compile Main.el
Factor (Factor 0.98)["/opt/factor/factor","Main.factor"]
D (GDC 12.2)dub build --skip-registry=all --nodeps --build=release-nobounds
Python (PyPy 3.10-v7.3.12)pypy3 -m py_compile Main.py
pypy3 Main.py ONLINE_JUDGE 2> /dev/null
Whitespace (whitespacers 1.0.0)wsc --dump Main.dump Main.ws
><> (fishr 0.1.0)["fishr","Main.fish"]
ReasonML (reason 3.9.0)cd main
eval $(opam env)
dune build --release
Python (Cython 0.29.34)python3.11 -c "from Cython.Build import cythonize;from Cython.Compiler import Options;Options.embed='main';cythonize('Main.pyx', language='c++', compiler_directives={'language_level':'3'})"
g++ -Wno-deprecated-declarations -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/local/include/python3.11 -I$HOME/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/include -o a.out Main.cpp -lpython3.11
Octave (GNU Octave 8.2.0)octave -W --eval 'disp("Hello, world!")'
Haxe (JVM) (Haxe 4.3.1)export PATH=/opt/haxe_20230428195743_964c84c:$PATH
haxe -D analyzer-optimize --jvm Main.jar --main Main
Elixir (Elixir 1.15.2)export PATH=/home/runner/.asdf/installs/erlang/26.0.2/bin:/opt/elixir/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
mix compile
Mercury (Mercury 22.01.6)mmc -o a.out -O 5 main
Seed7 (Seed7 3.2.1)s7c -O2 -oc3 Main.sd7 1>&2
Emacs Lisp (No Compile) (GNU Emacs 28.2)["emacs","--batch","-f","package-initialize","-l","Main.el"]
Unison (Unison M5b)sh -c "echo 'load main.u'; sleep 5 ; echo 'add'" | /opt/ucm/ucm > compile-out
echo 'compile main main' | /opt/ucm/ucm
if [ ! -f main.uc ]; then
cat compile-out | ansifilter 1>&2
COBOL (GnuCOBOL(Fixed) 3.1.2)cobc -x -O2 -o ./a.out ./Main.cbl

This page shows a list of libraries available for each language.


Execution time is measured as the maximum of real time and CPU time. Parallelization is not prohibited, but it does not lead to shorter execution time.


You may use any development environment and editor at your choice.

Also, you are allow to do the following:

  1. Use of original libraries
  2. Web Search

As mentioned later, please note that we do not allow you to disclose the problem to other sources.

Other Rules

Do not disclose the problem on the Internet during the contest. Also refrain from reporting the contest on the spot as it might lead to the disclosure of the problem.

You are not allowed to attack AtCoder system. For more info, please refer our User Policy.

The status may remain WJ for 1~2 minutes to warm up the judges' initial run. If the status is not updated for more than 5 minutes, please contact us at Clar with the relevant submission.