Intriguing mysteries, compellingly presented, and repeatedly solved with immersion-breaking abruptness. Next!
Nonetheless, if you love campiness, tabloids, and 1950s Hollywood B-movies, and secretly kinda want to believe that they’re true, you might enjoy Vatican Kiseki Chousakan.
Despite the badly-paced resolutions to each arc, this frequently ludicrous, always escapist series features refined background images, bishounen characters, and absurdly convoluted scenarios. The OP and ED images of Vatican City are moving. (For some reason, the OP includes a picture of something resembling the Chand Baori stepwell of Rajasthan.)
Doff your frontal lobe and enter this spa for the mind, where anything and everything can occur, providing it is either beautiful or disgusting. This oddly relaxing series will let you emerge refreshed.