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Hleapestra in Ahmedabad

Gucgerat is rice on Indie westdæle, be his mearce mid Pacistane. His gereord is Gucgeratisc.

On Gucgeratwarum sind folegendas of manigum ǣƿum; Hindu, Allahdōmm and Cristen and Sikhfolc.

Ðis land het Indie Westernan Gimm. His stede is 75,755 mīla2 and his sǣrīm is 990 mīla, his mǣsta lengðu be Kathiawarnǣsse. Ofer 60 þūsenda þūsenda onwunendas hæfþ Gucgerat.

Gucgerates stede on Indie
Gucgerates stede on Indie