Papers by Kenan BEŞALTI
ASOS Journal, 2022
All the findings point out that the Christianization process in Adana's provincial borders was di... more All the findings point out that the Christianization process in Adana's provincial borders was difficult and active, but there was a strong religious institutionalization afterwards. The religious architectural remains in the region also support this.
Canan PARLA Armağanı, 2020
Anadolu'ya gelen Türkler'in kendi anlayışları ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda yeni kentler kurup kur... more Anadolu'ya gelen Türkler'in kendi anlayışları ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda yeni kentler kurup kurmadıkları, kurdular ise nasıl bir kentleşme süreci geçirdikleri ve kurulan kentlerin nasıl şekillendiği konusunda bilimsel çalışmalar halen sürmektedir. Yerli ve yabancı bilim insanlarının bu konuda öne sürdüğü bazı varsayımlar ve öne sürülen bazı modeller vardır. Bu çalışmada, araştırmacılar tarafından öne sürülen bazı yerleşim modellerinin temel özellikleri açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that migh... more Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively niche field of interest.
Across the Karataş district center, there are two islands known as "Gavur Island" and "T... more Across the Karataş district center, there are two islands known as "Gavur Island" and "Turkish Island" located approximately one kilometer from the coast.These islands are referred to as Didymae-Didymoi in the sources giving information about the maritime of the Ancient era.These islands were a stopping point for ships attempting to reach the nearby port of Magarsus / Mallos in antiquity. There are some remains on the islands that support this. In medieval times, they were mediating the
maritime expeditions from Karatas to various settlements along the Mediterranean coast. The function of the islands is not limited to these. Plain Cilicia has very few rocky formations that can be obtained as building material. The limestone structure of the islands caused the production of cut Stone building material from the islands for use in the region's structures. No extensive studies have been done on the islands until today. As a result of our investigations to understand the archaeological potential of the islands, important clues to the maritime sphere of the region have been obtained.
KUBABA -Arkeoloji -Sanat Tarihi -Tarih Dergisi - 2016
BSTRACT There are a lot of mysterious on H... more KUBABA -Arkeoloji -Sanat Tarihi -Tarih Dergisi - 2016
BSTRACT There are a lot of mysterious on Hittites which was the great power of Bronze Age’s Anatolia. From the perspective of maritime archaeology, one of the first mysterious is the relationship between sea, seamanship and Hittites. They were dominated at the Anatolian coast of Mediterranean during 14th Century BC especially on about 800 km coastline from Antalya to Syria. However many of the scholar think that they had limited connection to the seas and their relation between sea was usually made by their vassal kingdoms. Datas on the subject came from the limited numbers of tablets of the excavation sites or inscribed reliefs of the Egyptian temples. On the other hand new archaeological evidences show that their relation with the seas and rivers were wider than what was known before. Late Hittite reliefs of Karatepe which is related to the sea battle and fishing activities are just a little part of the seamanship of Hittites. Approach to the Hittite domination at the Eastern Mediterranaen is related to the direction of the perspective
ÖZET Tunç Çağı Anadolu’sunun büyük gücü Hitit İmparatorluğu hakkında hala bilinmeyen pek çok şey bulunmaktadır. Denizcilik arkeolojisi perspektifinden bakıldığında bu bilinmeyenlerin başında Hititlerin deniz ve denizcilikle ilişkileri gelmektedir. Hititler özellikle M.Ö. 14. yüzyılda bütün Anadolu Kıyılarında etkisini göstermiş, Antalya’dan Suriye’ye kadar 800 kilometreden uzun kıyı şeridinde fiilen var olmuş bir imparatorluktur. Ancak Karadeniz’den Ege’ye, Marmara’dan Akdeniz’e kadar varlığı hissedilen Hititlerin denizle bağlantılarının çok sınırlı olduğu, bu alanı genellikle vasal krallıklara bıraktığı yaygın bir düşüncedir. Bu konuda bilinenler, kazılarda bulunarak deşifre edilmiş az sayıda tablet ve devletlerarası yazışmalarla sınırlıdır. Öte yandan bugüne kadar ortaya çıkartılan yazıtların detayları ile çeşitli arkeolojik kanıtlar Hititlerin deniz ve nehirlerden sanıldığından çok daha fazla yararlandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Karatepe’de bulunan Geç Hitit kabartmalarındaki denizcilik betimlemeleri bunlardan yalnızca bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Sorun Hititlerin etkin olduğu coğrafyada gerçekleşmiş denizciliğe bugün hangi perspektiften bakıldığıyla ilgilidir. Bakış açıları değiştikçe Hititlerin denizi de çok iyi kullanan bir toplum olduğu anlaşılacaktır.
Çukurova Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016
Çukurova/Kilikya Pedias arkeolojisinin çözülmeyi bekleyen sorunlarından biri de Magarsus ve Mallo... more Çukurova/Kilikya Pedias arkeolojisinin çözülmeyi bekleyen sorunlarından biri de Magarsus ve Mallos antik yerleşimlerinin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisidir. Magarsus antik yerleşimi, Adana ili, Karataş ilçesinin yaklaşık 4 kilometre batısında Fener Burnu olarak bilinen bölgededir. Magarsus antik kentinin lokalizasyonu konusunda günümüzde herhangi bir tereddüt söz konusu değildir. Ancak Mallos/Mallus antik yerleşiminin lokasyonu konusunda belirsizlikler mevcuttur. Bazı bilim insanları, bölgede yapılan yüzey araştırmalarından elde edilen epigrafik bulgulardan yola çıkarak Mallos/Mallus antik yerleşiminin Karataş ilçesinin yaklaşık 25 kilometre kuzeyinde bulunan Kızıltahta Köyü civarında olduğuna dair iddialar öne sürmektedirler. Ancak, bu iki yerleşimin aynı yer(bugünkü Magarsus) olma ihtimali vardır ve bu konuda bazı güçlü deliller bulunmaktadır. Antik dönem yazarlarının ve coğrafyacılarının aktardığı birtakım bilgiler bu ihtimali kuvvetlendirmektedir. Bazı antik kaynaklarda Magarsus'un Mallos şeklinde ifade edilmesi örnek olarak gösterilebilebilir. Bu makalede, antik yazınlardan yola çıkılarak Magarsus ve Mallos/Mallus antik yerleşimlerinin birbiriyle olan ilişkisi hakkında değerlendirmeler yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu değerlendirmeler yapılırken, etimolojik çözümlemeler, tarihî coğrafya, bölgenin topografyası ve hidrografyası göz önüne alınmıştır.
One of the problems of Çukurova/Cilicia Pedias archaeology which are waiting for being solved is relationship between Magarsus and Mallos ancient settlements. Magarsus ancient settlement is in the area known Fener Burnu which locates approximately 4 kilometers west of Karataş, Adana. There is not any hesitation in ourdays about location of Magarsus. However, there is some indefinitenesses about location of Mallos/Mallus ancient settlement. Some scientist put forward some claims that Mallos ancient settlement has located vicinity of Kızıltahta Village which is approximately 25 kilometers north of Karataş by depending some epigraphic evidences gotten from surveys in the area. On the otherhand, there is a possibility that this two settlements in the same place (present Magarsus) and there are some stronge evidences about this subject. Some information given by ancient term
LIBRI, 2016
Libri: Kitap Tanıtımı, Eleştiri ve Çeviri Dergisi'nde bulunan içeriklerin tümü kullanıcılara açık... more Libri: Kitap Tanıtımı, Eleştiri ve Çeviri Dergisi'nde bulunan içeriklerin tümü kullanıcılara açık, serbestçe/ücretsiz 'açık erişimli' bir dergidir. Kullanıcılar, yayıncıdan ve yazar(lar)dan izin almaksızın, dergideki kitap tanıtımı, eleştiri ve çevirileri tam metin olarak okuyabilir, indirebilir, dağıtabilir, çıktısını alabilir ve kaynak göstererek bağlantı verebilir. Libri, uluslararası hakemli elektronik (online) bir dergi olup değerlendirme süreci biten kitap tanıtımı, eleştiri ve çeviriler derginin web sitesinde ( yıl boyunca ilgili sayının içinde (Volume II: Ocak-Aralık 2016) yayımlanır. Aralık ayı sonunda ilgili yıla ait sayı tamamlanır. Dergide yayımlanan eserlerin sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir.
The Journal Of International Social research, 2016
In our country, it grows underwater and maritime research in recentyears.Many finds and shipwreck... more In our country, it grows underwater and maritime research in recentyears.Many finds and shipwrecks have been determined relating to the Byzantine seamanship in Yenikapı excavation and underwater research done in our country' scoast. A large part of these findings relating to commercial shipping. There are the remains of two ships belonging to the Byzantine navy only. As in each fields, the importance of terminology is very large in maritime research.We learn Byzantine navy’s terms from some historical sources.The first of these is the section titled Naumachika in the workTaktikon of Emperor Leon VI, which gives information about the navy. Another of these are some sections of the source De Caerimoniis written by Emperor Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos VII. In this work there are Turkish explanations of some naval term that are mentioned in both historical sources.
Keywords:Byzantine, seamanship,navy, underwater, terminology.
Conference Presentations by Kenan BEŞALTI
The land connection between the Near
East, Syria and the inner parts of Anatolia is mostly provi... more The land connection between the Near
East, Syria and the inner parts of Anatolia is mostly provided through Adana and Çukurova.
The valleys and routes that allow passage within the Taurus Mountain range, which
constitutes an obstacle between these two regions, have been the subject of settlement
throughout history. Many churches have been identified on these strategically important
crossings and routes. Some of the these churches are not associated with any settlement.
Therefore, it is thought that they may be related to road routes. One problem is that
passageways are often schematic and their location in the field is not exact. However, it is still
thought that these road routes and the churches within reasonable distances are related to each
It is difficult to say that there is consistency regarding the character of the structure to be b... more It is difficult to say that there is consistency regarding the character of the structure to be built. The determining factors of these plan types were sometimes individual preferences and sometimes religious needs. Research and observations indicate that the main factor in choosing the plan type is the size of the settlement or religious area where the church is located. The size of the community that the church will serve must have directly affected the size of the structure to be built. Apart from these, the personal wishes of the Emperor or bishops also affected the type of plan. However, the factors that determine the type of plan are not only human.
The Contribution of the Regional Board of the Protection of Cultural Heritage to the Research of ... more The Contribution of the Regional Board of the Protection of Cultural Heritage to the Research of the Archaeological and Cultural Landscape of Rough Cilicia
Papers by Kenan BEŞALTI
maritime expeditions from Karatas to various settlements along the Mediterranean coast. The function of the islands is not limited to these. Plain Cilicia has very few rocky formations that can be obtained as building material. The limestone structure of the islands caused the production of cut Stone building material from the islands for use in the region's structures. No extensive studies have been done on the islands until today. As a result of our investigations to understand the archaeological potential of the islands, important clues to the maritime sphere of the region have been obtained.
BSTRACT There are a lot of mysterious on Hittites which was the great power of Bronze Age’s Anatolia. From the perspective of maritime archaeology, one of the first mysterious is the relationship between sea, seamanship and Hittites. They were dominated at the Anatolian coast of Mediterranean during 14th Century BC especially on about 800 km coastline from Antalya to Syria. However many of the scholar think that they had limited connection to the seas and their relation between sea was usually made by their vassal kingdoms. Datas on the subject came from the limited numbers of tablets of the excavation sites or inscribed reliefs of the Egyptian temples. On the other hand new archaeological evidences show that their relation with the seas and rivers were wider than what was known before. Late Hittite reliefs of Karatepe which is related to the sea battle and fishing activities are just a little part of the seamanship of Hittites. Approach to the Hittite domination at the Eastern Mediterranaen is related to the direction of the perspective
ÖZET Tunç Çağı Anadolu’sunun büyük gücü Hitit İmparatorluğu hakkında hala bilinmeyen pek çok şey bulunmaktadır. Denizcilik arkeolojisi perspektifinden bakıldığında bu bilinmeyenlerin başında Hititlerin deniz ve denizcilikle ilişkileri gelmektedir. Hititler özellikle M.Ö. 14. yüzyılda bütün Anadolu Kıyılarında etkisini göstermiş, Antalya’dan Suriye’ye kadar 800 kilometreden uzun kıyı şeridinde fiilen var olmuş bir imparatorluktur. Ancak Karadeniz’den Ege’ye, Marmara’dan Akdeniz’e kadar varlığı hissedilen Hititlerin denizle bağlantılarının çok sınırlı olduğu, bu alanı genellikle vasal krallıklara bıraktığı yaygın bir düşüncedir. Bu konuda bilinenler, kazılarda bulunarak deşifre edilmiş az sayıda tablet ve devletlerarası yazışmalarla sınırlıdır. Öte yandan bugüne kadar ortaya çıkartılan yazıtların detayları ile çeşitli arkeolojik kanıtlar Hititlerin deniz ve nehirlerden sanıldığından çok daha fazla yararlandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Karatepe’de bulunan Geç Hitit kabartmalarındaki denizcilik betimlemeleri bunlardan yalnızca bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Sorun Hititlerin etkin olduğu coğrafyada gerçekleşmiş denizciliğe bugün hangi perspektiften bakıldığıyla ilgilidir. Bakış açıları değiştikçe Hititlerin denizi de çok iyi kullanan bir toplum olduğu anlaşılacaktır.
One of the problems of Çukurova/Cilicia Pedias archaeology which are waiting for being solved is relationship between Magarsus and Mallos ancient settlements. Magarsus ancient settlement is in the area known Fener Burnu which locates approximately 4 kilometers west of Karataş, Adana. There is not any hesitation in ourdays about location of Magarsus. However, there is some indefinitenesses about location of Mallos/Mallus ancient settlement. Some scientist put forward some claims that Mallos ancient settlement has located vicinity of Kızıltahta Village which is approximately 25 kilometers north of Karataş by depending some epigraphic evidences gotten from surveys in the area. On the otherhand, there is a possibility that this two settlements in the same place (present Magarsus) and there are some stronge evidences about this subject. Some information given by ancient term
Keywords:Byzantine, seamanship,navy, underwater, terminology.
Conference Presentations by Kenan BEŞALTI
East, Syria and the inner parts of Anatolia is mostly provided through Adana and Çukurova.
The valleys and routes that allow passage within the Taurus Mountain range, which
constitutes an obstacle between these two regions, have been the subject of settlement
throughout history. Many churches have been identified on these strategically important
crossings and routes. Some of the these churches are not associated with any settlement.
Therefore, it is thought that they may be related to road routes. One problem is that
passageways are often schematic and their location in the field is not exact. However, it is still
thought that these road routes and the churches within reasonable distances are related to each
maritime expeditions from Karatas to various settlements along the Mediterranean coast. The function of the islands is not limited to these. Plain Cilicia has very few rocky formations that can be obtained as building material. The limestone structure of the islands caused the production of cut Stone building material from the islands for use in the region's structures. No extensive studies have been done on the islands until today. As a result of our investigations to understand the archaeological potential of the islands, important clues to the maritime sphere of the region have been obtained.
BSTRACT There are a lot of mysterious on Hittites which was the great power of Bronze Age’s Anatolia. From the perspective of maritime archaeology, one of the first mysterious is the relationship between sea, seamanship and Hittites. They were dominated at the Anatolian coast of Mediterranean during 14th Century BC especially on about 800 km coastline from Antalya to Syria. However many of the scholar think that they had limited connection to the seas and their relation between sea was usually made by their vassal kingdoms. Datas on the subject came from the limited numbers of tablets of the excavation sites or inscribed reliefs of the Egyptian temples. On the other hand new archaeological evidences show that their relation with the seas and rivers were wider than what was known before. Late Hittite reliefs of Karatepe which is related to the sea battle and fishing activities are just a little part of the seamanship of Hittites. Approach to the Hittite domination at the Eastern Mediterranaen is related to the direction of the perspective
ÖZET Tunç Çağı Anadolu’sunun büyük gücü Hitit İmparatorluğu hakkında hala bilinmeyen pek çok şey bulunmaktadır. Denizcilik arkeolojisi perspektifinden bakıldığında bu bilinmeyenlerin başında Hititlerin deniz ve denizcilikle ilişkileri gelmektedir. Hititler özellikle M.Ö. 14. yüzyılda bütün Anadolu Kıyılarında etkisini göstermiş, Antalya’dan Suriye’ye kadar 800 kilometreden uzun kıyı şeridinde fiilen var olmuş bir imparatorluktur. Ancak Karadeniz’den Ege’ye, Marmara’dan Akdeniz’e kadar varlığı hissedilen Hititlerin denizle bağlantılarının çok sınırlı olduğu, bu alanı genellikle vasal krallıklara bıraktığı yaygın bir düşüncedir. Bu konuda bilinenler, kazılarda bulunarak deşifre edilmiş az sayıda tablet ve devletlerarası yazışmalarla sınırlıdır. Öte yandan bugüne kadar ortaya çıkartılan yazıtların detayları ile çeşitli arkeolojik kanıtlar Hititlerin deniz ve nehirlerden sanıldığından çok daha fazla yararlandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Karatepe’de bulunan Geç Hitit kabartmalarındaki denizcilik betimlemeleri bunlardan yalnızca bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Sorun Hititlerin etkin olduğu coğrafyada gerçekleşmiş denizciliğe bugün hangi perspektiften bakıldığıyla ilgilidir. Bakış açıları değiştikçe Hititlerin denizi de çok iyi kullanan bir toplum olduğu anlaşılacaktır.
One of the problems of Çukurova/Cilicia Pedias archaeology which are waiting for being solved is relationship between Magarsus and Mallos ancient settlements. Magarsus ancient settlement is in the area known Fener Burnu which locates approximately 4 kilometers west of Karataş, Adana. There is not any hesitation in ourdays about location of Magarsus. However, there is some indefinitenesses about location of Mallos/Mallus ancient settlement. Some scientist put forward some claims that Mallos ancient settlement has located vicinity of Kızıltahta Village which is approximately 25 kilometers north of Karataş by depending some epigraphic evidences gotten from surveys in the area. On the otherhand, there is a possibility that this two settlements in the same place (present Magarsus) and there are some stronge evidences about this subject. Some information given by ancient term
Keywords:Byzantine, seamanship,navy, underwater, terminology.
East, Syria and the inner parts of Anatolia is mostly provided through Adana and Çukurova.
The valleys and routes that allow passage within the Taurus Mountain range, which
constitutes an obstacle between these two regions, have been the subject of settlement
throughout history. Many churches have been identified on these strategically important
crossings and routes. Some of the these churches are not associated with any settlement.
Therefore, it is thought that they may be related to road routes. One problem is that
passageways are often schematic and their location in the field is not exact. However, it is still
thought that these road routes and the churches within reasonable distances are related to each