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Rollout Simulation

This application allows you to explore a rollout strategy for incorporating battery electric locomotives (BELs) into a fleet of existing diesel locomotives by specifying the number of years to complete the rollout and the target electrification percentage. Given a number of years and a target % of battery electric locomotives (BELs), ALTRIOS computes a rollout plan for replacing diesel locomotives with BELs, including the present-day fleet's scheduled retirements (assuming 20-year replacement schedules).


Please select a number between 5 and 24.
Please select a number between 0 and 100.


The route used for simulation is a typical mountain route taken from within the BNSF Scenic Subdivision and has the following characteristics:

  • Distance: 115 miles
  • Max Elevation: 2820 feet
  • Trip duration: about 4 hours


Capital Costs

Diesel acquisition costs are taken from scientific literature, and BEL acquisition costs are derived from the NREL 2022 Annual Technology Baseline.

Fuel Costs

Diesel fuel and grid electricity costs are taken from Energy Information Administration data for California.


Greenhouse gas emissions for diesel locomotive combustion and electric grid combustion are taken from the CA-GREET 3.0 model, using California 2020 average grid emissions factors.