Telegram bot to help you read and summarize the content. It uses Omnivore [or Pocket, Instapaper, Matter] to save the content and OpenAI to summarize it.
- Message Template:
/command [args: URL or text]
. /add
to add the content to the ReadLater service./add YoutubeURL
grabes youtube transcript./sum
to summarize the content./sum YoutubeURL
get youtube transcript and summarize./ask
to ask a question from ChatGPT about the content./token
to add your OpenAI token [ToDo].
- This sends the content to the pipedream user email. Find a way to make it general.
Copy the Pipedream diagram for yours:
graph TB
User -->|message| TelegramServer
subgraph "PipeDream Service";
pipeTelegram --> checkType
checkType -->|youtube| GetTranscript
checkType -->|URL| GetHTML
checkType -->|text| PipePython
GetHTML --> PipePython
GetTranscript --> PipePython
PipePython --> checkCommand
checkCommand -->|/add| pipeEmail
checkCommand -->|/sum| OpenAI
checkCommand -->|/ask| OpenAI
TelegramServer --> pipeTelegram
OpenAI --> pipeEmail
pipeEmail -->|HTML| Omnivore