vvatch is cross-platform V module to monitor changes in directories. It utilizes the dmon C99 library.
vmon is an already available module. It is the first mover in terms of being a dmon wrapper and served as an inspiration.
vvatch is a rewrite that I'm using for a client project that makes opinionated changes. It takes a different approach on the internals to allow a clean working surface. It aims to leverage the C library, increase robustness, and allows to compile programs that use the module in strict mode and with the Clang compiler.
v install ttytm.vvatch
// watch starts to watch the specified directory.
// It receives the directory path, a callback that is executed on directory actions,
// watch flags and a voidptr for additional user arguments.
pub fn watch(path string, cb fn (watch_id WatchID, action Action, root_dir string, file_path string, old_file_path string, args voidptr), flags WatchFlags, user_args voidptr) !WatchID
// unwatch stops to watch the specified directory path.
pub fn (id WatchID) unwatch()
Ref.: src/lib.v
import ttytm.vvatch as w
import time
import os
struct App {
triggered bool
fn watch_cb(watch_id w.WatchID, action w.Action, root_path string, file_path string, old_file_path string, mut app App) {
match action {
.create { println('created `${file_path}`') }
.delete { println('delated `${file_path}`') }
.modify { println('modified `${file_path}`') }
.move { println('moved `${old_file_path}` to `${file_path}`') }
app.triggered = true
fn main() {
mut app := App{}
watcher := w.watch(os.join_path(os.home_dir(), 'Downloads'), watch_cb, w.WatchFlag.recursive,
// Wait until an external event is triggered in the monitored directory.
for {
if app.triggered {
// Slow down the loop interval to reduce load.
time.sleep(100 * time.millisecond)
Ref.: examples/simple.v
v run examples/simple.v
# Run with additional debug information
v -g run examples/simple.v
Just as with vmon, the V code written for vvatch is licensed under MIT. The utilized dmon C library is licensed under the BSD 2-clause.