Configuration files for bash
with my personal preferences.
to symlink the contents of this folder to the
appropriate user locations (~/.bashrc
, ~/.emacs.d/init.el
, etc).
Julia Evans and Ibraheem Ahmed have collections of classic and new Unix commands to make life faster, prettier, or otherwise better. Several of these are packages for Debian!
declare -A debian_pkg
debian_pkg[silversearcher-ag]="a code searching tool similar to ack, but faster"
debian_pkg[bat]="a cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration"
debian_pkg[exa]="a modern replacement for ls"
debian_pkg[duf]="a better df alternative"
debian_pkg[fd]="a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find"
debian_pkg[fzf]="a general purpose fuzzy finder"
debian_pkg[httpie]="a modern, user-friendly HTTP client for the API era"
debian_pkg[jq]="sed for JSON data"
debian_pkg[lsd-musl]="the next-gen file listing command"
debian_pkg[ripgrep]="an extremely fast gitignore-aware alternative to grep"
debian_pkg[zoxide]="a smarter cd command inspired by z"
echo ${!debian_pkg[*]}
apt install ${!debian_pkg[*]}
Rust packages are installable from!
declare -A cargo_pkg
cargo_pkg[bottom]="yet another cross-platform graphical process monitor"
cargo_pkg[choose]="a human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and awk"
cargo_pkg[gping]="ping, but with a graph"
cargo_pkg[hyperfine]="a command-line benchmarking tool"
cargo_pkg[mcfly]="fly through your shell history"
cargo_pkg[procs]="a modern replacement for ps"
cargo_pkg[sd]="an intuitive find & replace (sed alternative)"
cargo_pkg[xh]="a friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests"
echo ${!cargo_pkg[*]}
cargo install ${!cargo_pkg[*]}
Some Rust packages must be built from source.
declare -A cargo_pkg
cargo_pkg[broot]="a new way to see and navigate directory trees"
cargo_pkg[delta]="a viewer for git and diff output"
cargo_pkg[dog]="a user-friendly DNS client: dig on steroids"
cargo_pkg[dust]="a more intuitive version of du written in rust"
echo ${!cargo_pkg[*]}
declare -A cargo_src
Go packages are installable from Go!
declare -A go_pkg
go_pkg[cheat]="create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line"
go_pkg[curlie]="the power of curl, the ease of use of httpie"
echo ${!go_pkg[*]}
declare -A go_src
for PKG in ${go_src[*]}; do
go get -u ${PKG}
Node packages are installable with nvm
declare -A node_pkg
node_pkg[tldr]="a community effort to simplify man pages with practical examples"
echo ${!node_pkg[*]}
nvm install ${!node_pkg[*]}
Some are even available through Pip!
declare -A pypi_pkg
pypi_pkg[glances]="a top/htop alternative"
echo ${!pypi_pkg[*]}
pip install --user ${!pypi_pkg[*]}