Metis is a simple yet powerful free Bootstrap admin dashboard template that you can feel free to use for any app, service, software or anything else. Feel free to share and fork it.
This template currently is slighly outdated but withing few weeks we are going to make a major overhaul making ot the best free admin template you have seen on Github or elsewhere on the web.
required node.js & bower & gulp
$ git clone yourfoldername
$ cd yourfoldername
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm run build
$ gulp serve
required node.js & bower & gulp
$ git clone yourfoldername
$ cd yourfoldername
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm run buildrtl
$ gulp serve
$ git clone -b v1.2 yourfoldername
$ cd yourfoldername
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ open index.html
- node.js
- bower
- gulp
- Assemble
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Moment.js
- SubtlePatterns
- FullCalendar
- Chosen
- CKEditor
- Colorpicker for Bootstrap
- Data Tables
- Datepicker for Bootstrap
- elFinder
- Input Limiter
- Jasny Bootstrap
- jQuery Validation
- jQuery Sparklines
- Animate
- Autosize
- Countdown
- Date range picker
- Flot
- jQuery Form
- Form Wizard
- Gritter
- Mouse Wheel
- PageDown-Bootstrap
- Plupload
- Bootstrap Switch
- tablesorter
- tagsinput
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Touch Punch
- Uniform
- Validation Engine
- jquery.validVal
- bootstrap3-wysihtml5-bower
- screenfull.js
- metisMenu
- Colorlib - Colorlib is the most popular source for free WordPress themes and HTML templates.
- Aigars Silkalns - Aigars maintains this project and is also the idea author behind Colorlib and everything you will find on that website.
- Free Admin Dashboards - Most popular free admin dashboards that can be used as templates for your upcoming projects.
- Free HTML Admin Templates
- Free Admin Templates
- Free Dashboard Templates
- Free Website Templates - Most popular free HTML website templates.
- Admin Templates (premium)
Copyright (c) 2016 Aigars Silkalns & Colorlib
Released under the MIT license. This free Bootstrap admin template is distributed as as it with no support. You can feel free to use it, share it, tweak it, work in it, sell it or do whatever you want as long as you keep the original license in place.
This file was generated by verb, v0.9.0, on July 31, 2017.