Sfmp is a tool to quickly separate images using clustering based on features extracted through a convolutional neural network. It's really lightweight, using only a mobilenetv2 for feature extraction and kmeans for clustering.
To install sfmp, follow there steps:
For cpu
pip install "sfmp[cpu]"
For cuda 11.X
pip install "sfmp[gpu]"
For cuda 12.X
pip install "sfmp[gpu]" --extra-index-url https://aiinfra.pkgs.visualstudio.com/PublicPackages/_packaging/onnxruntime-cuda-12/pypi/simple/
You can use sfmp from the command line by providing a list of globs:
sfmp ../examples/*.jpg ../examples2/*.jpg
If you want to use CUDA:
sfmp ../examples/*.jpg ../examples2/*.jpg --provider CUDAExecutionProvider
Check all execution providers here.
To specify the number of clusters:
sfmp ../examples/*.jpg ../examples2/*.jpg --n_clusters 2
or output dir
To specify the number of clusters:
sfmp ../examples/*.jpg ../examples2/*.jpg --output_path result
├── cat.1.jpg
├── cat.2.jpg
├── dog.3061.jpg
└── dog.3062.jpg
sfmp ../examples/*.jpg --n_clusters 2
├── cluster_0000
│ ├── dog.3061.jpg
│ └── dog.3062.jpg
└── cluster_0001
├── cat.1.jpg
└── cat.2.jpg