- Barcelona
- @pplu_io
- in/joseluismartineztorres
Starred repositories
Bare minimum AWS Security Alerting and Configuration
Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
Unofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux client
Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles
The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
The low-level, core functionality of boto3 and the AWS CLI.
A simple distributed cloud friendly cron for the masses
Alien package to find, and build if necessary XGBoost library
Plugin for making Search::Elasticsearch sign requests with AWS credentials
A Dependency Injection Container for Moose, inspired by Spring and CDI
Nagios Result Distributor (NSCA protocol redefined)
commandline tools for slicing and dicing JSON records.
A module that provides integration of the Catalyst web application framework with GSSAPI/SPNEGO HTTP authentication.
Test::BDD::Cucumber - Cucumber in Perl
Tapper - All-embracing test infrastructure (TAP, automation, virtualization, scheduler)
Dancer app that showcases Twitter Bootstrap's Pagination (more complex)