Main Projects | |
CreamInstaller | Automatically finds all installed Steam, Epic and Ubisoft games with their respective DLC-related DLL locations on the user's computer, parses SteamCMD, Steam Store and Epic Games Store for user-selected games' DLCs, then provides a very simple graphical interface utilizing the gathered information for the maintenance of DLC unlockers. |
Scripts: Violentmonkey | |
Steam Collection Manager | Adds buttons to collections related to the mass removal, addition, and sorting of items. |
Nexus Endorsement Manager | Adds buttons to the "My Nexus account" screen related to the mass endorsement and abstainment from endorsement of mods. |
Mods: RimWorld | |
Pawns Use Fire Extinguishers | Allows fire extinguishers to be used for firefighting automatically. If a pawn doesn't have a fire extinguisher or a piece of fire can't be accessed with a fire extinguisher, pawns will go back to default vanilla behavior of beating out fires. |
Advanced Storage Filters | Adds the ability to add extra advanced and configurable filters to storage areas. It also allows filters to be saved and loaded between multiple saves. |
Automatic Bed Reassignment | Automatically reassigns pawns' beds when pawns are sharing beds with non-partners, separated from their most-loved partner, suffering a mood penalty from a bedroom-specific trait (jealous, greedy, ascetic), or there are empty beds with better stats for the pawn. |
Modding Utilities: RimWorld | |
CompatUtils | Provides many common compatibility methods, anywhere from checking if another mod is active to getting a consistent method from another mod. |
Mods: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord | |
Aggregated Income | Aggregates multiple forms of income on nearly every "Expected Change" tooltip (Denars, Influence, Militia, Food Stocks, Loyalty, Security, Prosperity, Settlement Tax) with easy support for translation into other languages. |
Formation Sorter | Adds numerous selection & sorting hotkeys to massively ease the transfer of troops between selected formations, and makes sure empty formations are shown so hotkeys can be used to their full ability. Troop sorting can be used with modifier keys to take into account shields, throwables, ammunition, mounts, troop tiers & more. |
Modding Utilities: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord | |
AutomaticSubModuleXML | Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord msbuild task for automatically creating and/or updating the SubModule.xml file after builds. |
Side Projects | |
Chess Laravel | Set up to use a Laravel backend and a Vue frontend, glued together with Inertia and compiled by Vite. This is not meant to be a fully functional and proper Chess game application; at least for the time being, this is just an application developed for learning and testing purposes (and for fun). |
Chess Java | Set up to use Java with a Swing GUI. This is not meant to be a fully functional and proper Chess game application; at least for the time being, this is just an application developed for learning and testing purposes (and for fun). |