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Releases: picocms/Pico

Version 3.0.0-alpha.2

24 Dec 22:29
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Version 3.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

Second alpha release of Pico v3.0. This is a pre-release!

* [Changed] Merge all fixes of Pico v2.1.2 to v2.1.4
* [Fixed] #575: Update Symfony YAML v3.4 to support PHP 8.0+

Version 2.1.4

29 Aug 15:33
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* [Changed] Silence PHP errors in Parsedown
* [Fixed] #560: Improve charset guessing for formatted date strings using
          `strftime()` (Pico always uses UTF-8, but `strftime()` might not)

Version 2.1.3

10 Jul 17:40
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* [New] Add `locale` option to `config/config.yml`
* [Changed] Improve Pico docs

Version 2.1.2

10 Apr 21:40
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* [Fixed] Fix DummyPlugin declaring API version 3

Version 3.0.0-alpha.1

29 Mar 13:46
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Version 3.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

First alpha release of Pico v3.0. This is a pre-release!

* [New] Kick-start development of Pico 3.0
* [Changed] Require PHP 7.0.8+
* [Changed] Update dependencies: Twig 2.12, Symfony YAML 3.4, Parsedown 1.7.4
            and Parsedown Extra 0.8.1; this is just an interim step, we'll
            update to Twig 3.0+ and Symfony YAML 5.0+ later

Version 2.1.1

31 Dec 15:47
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* [Fixed] Require Parsedown 1.8.0-beta-7 and Parsedown Extra 0.8.0-beta-1 due
          to changes in Parsedown and Parsedown Extra breaking BC beyond repair
* [Changed] #523: Check for hidden pages based on page ID instead of full paths
* [Changed] Improve Pico docs

Version 2.1.0

25 Nov 00:10
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This is Pico 2.1 - small, but mighty! 🎉 🎊

If you want to upgrade to Pico 2.1, simply follow the usual upgrade instructions for minor releases. Installing Pico is as easy as before. You can find more extensive upgrade instructions as well as a complete list of all additions and changes in Pico's upgrade docs - even though this is a minor release, it's still a lot of new and improved stuff! 💓

You might also want to give Pico CMS for Nextcloud 1.0 a try - it's now an official part of Pico. You can find more info at

For a complete list of all changes compared to Pico 2.0, please refer to Pico's (including the beta release v2.1.0-beta.1).

* [Changed] Add Pico's official logo and tagline to `content-sample/`
* [Changed] Improve `content-sample/` to show Pico's official logo and
            the usage of the new image utility classes of Pico's default theme
* [Changed] Improve Pico docs and PHPDoc class docs

Version 2.1.0-beta.1

04 Nov 01:15
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Version 2.1.0-beta.1 Pre-release

First beta release of Pico v2.1. This is a pre-release!

* [New] Add `assets_dir`, `assets_url` and `plugins_url` config params
* [New] Add `%config.*%` Markdown placeholders for scalar config params and the
        `%assets_url%`, `%themes_url%` and `%plugins_url%` placeholders
* [New] Add `content-sample/` for theme testing purposes
* [New] Introduce API versioning for themes and support theme-specific configs
        using the new `pico-theme.yml` in a theme's directory; `pico-theme.yml`
        allows a theme to influence Pico's Twig config, to register known meta
        headers and to provide defaults for theme config params
* [New] Add `assets_url`, `themes_url` and `plugins_url` Twig variables
* [New] Add `pages` Twig function to deal with Pico's page tree; this function
        replaces the raw usage of Pico's `pages` array in themes
* [New] Add `url` Twig filter to replace URL placeholders (e.g. `%base_url%`)
        in strings using the new `Pico::substituteUrl()` method
* [New] Add `onThemeLoading` and `onThemeLoaded` events
* [New] Add `debug` config param and the `Pico::isDebugModeEnabled()` method,
        cehcking the `PICO_DEBUG` environment variable, to enable debugging
* [New] Add new `Pico::getNormalizedPath()` method to normalize a path; this
        method should be used to prevent content dir breakouts when dealing
        with paths provided by user input
* [New] Add new `Pico::getUrlFromPath()` method to guess a URL from a file path
* [New] Add new `Pico::getAbsoluteUrl()` method to make a relative URL absolute
* [New] #505: Create pre-built `.zip` release archives
* [Fixed] #461: Proberly handle content files with a UTF-8 BOM
* [Changed] Introduce API version 3
* [Changed] Rename `theme_url` config param to `themes_url`; the `theme_url`
            Twig variable and Markdown placeholder are kept unchanged
* [Changed] Update to Parsedown Extra 0.8 and Parsedown 1.8 (both still beta)
* [Changed] Enable Twig's `autoescape` feature by default; outputting a
            variable now causes Twig to escape HTML markup; Pico's `content`
            variable is a notable exception, as it is marked as being HTML safe
* [Changed] Rename `prev_page` Twig variable to `previous_page`
* [Changed] Mark `markdown` and `content` Twig filters as being HTML safe
* [Changed] Add `$singleLine` param to `markdown` Twig filter as well as the
            `Pico::parseFileContent()` method to parse just a single line of
            Markdown input
* [Changed] Add `AbstractPicoPlugin::configEnabled()` method to check whether
            a plugin should be enabled or disabled based on Pico's config
* [Changed] Deprecate the use of `AbstractPicoPlugin::__call()`, use
            `PicoPluginInterface::getPico()` instead
* [Changed] Update to Twig 1.36 as last version supporting PHP 5.3, use a
            Composer-based installation to use a newer Twig version
* [Changed] Add `$basePath` and `$endSlash` params to `Pico::getAbsolutePath()`
* [Changed] Deprecate `Pico::getBaseThemeUrl()`
* [Changed] Replace various `file_exists` calls with proper `is_file` calls
* [Changed] Refactor release & build system
* [Changed] Improve PHP class docs
* [Changed] Various small improvements
* [Removed] Remove superfluous `base_dir` and `theme_dir` Twig variables
* [Removed] Remove `PicoPluginInterface::__construct()`

Version 2.0.5-beta.1

03 Jan 12:39
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Version 2.0.5-beta.1 Pre-release
* [New] Add PHP 7.3 tests
* [New] Add `2.0.x-dev` alias for master branch to `composer.json`
* [Changed] Update to Parsedown Extra 0.8 and Parsedown 1.8 (both still beta)
* [Changed] Improve release & build process

Version 2.0.4

17 Dec 15:13
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* [Fixed] Proberly handle hostnames with ports in `Pico::getBaseUrl()`
* [Changed] Improve documentation