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:octocat: Ninrod's sharpened dotfiles for emacs, vim, zsh, tmux. Since '15.


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Ninrod’s emacs, vim, zsh and tmux dotfiles

  • Minimalism, speed and power while working inside the shell.

“You are your dotfiles.” – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

“Show me your dotfiles and I’ll tell you what kind of programmer you are.” – Karl Marx


Ubuntu: emacs and vim



These are my personal configuration files, which are in a constant state of change as I develop my environment across several systems so I can’t guarantee that these configurations will work for you, at all. Still, it can be useful and instructional to look around and take bits and snippets to use within your own configuration files. Feel free to open issues though, if the config did not work for you. I’ll try to help if I can.

Install Instructions

  • On linux, I recommend xfce-terminal. Failling that, try to use any truecolor terminal.
  • Secondly, this is for unix systems: GNU/Linux, OSx, BSDs. I don’t know anything about windows.
  • configure your terminal to use the gruvbox theme. There’s a ninrod/themes repo that can help you with that.
  • recommendation: I use and recommend the excelent Fantasque Sans Mono font.
  • now get vim 8+ with +clipboard.
  • get tmux 2.5+
  • get zsh 5.4+ and make sure that /bin/zsh is valid. (if not: $ cd /bin && sudo ln -s $(command -v zsh) zsh)
  • cat /etc/shells and verify that zsh appears on the list. If not, sudo vi /etc/shells and append /bin/zsh
  • get ag (you can brew install ag on OSx).
  • if you’re on OSx, brew install these:
    1. brew install coreutils (mainly because BSD ls CLICOLOR sucks).
    2. brew install reattach-to-user-namespace (Mainly because of the open utility. more info here).
    3. brew install diff-so-fancy
  • Kind remark: for the moment (until I change the script to back it up for you), I’ll overwrite your ~/.gitconfig file, so if you have something important in it, now would be the perfect moment to back it up.
  • [optional] get emacs 25.2+ (this is optional, everything will work fine if you don’t use emacs)

Shell time

now lets write some shell commands.

  • note: the install.zsh script basically does this:
    1. mounts symlinks on your home folder;
    2. creates ~/.options/shell-options.zsh file, if not existent
    3. sources the ~/.options/shell-options.zsh file
    4. overwrites your .gitconfig (so back it up if you have something important)
    5. tries to configure your git information, if applicable.
    6. fetches vim and zsh dependencies
  • now open you shell and don’t forget to set up your git information (vim ~/.options/shell-options.zsh)
$ git clone && cd dotfiles && make
$ vim ~/.options/shell-options.zsh
$ exec zsh
  • That’s it, your’re all set.
  • protip: make update will update all dependencies.

On installing new plugins

You may notice that I do not use any plugin manager, just a tiny little function I wrote called ningrab. For now, if you want to include a new plugin, search for the *-deps.zsh files in the boot directory. The files should be self descriptive. Just add a newline like this in, for example, vim-deps.zsh file:

ningrab githubuser/awesomeplugin

and then run make in the ~/.dotfiles directory. The plugin will be fetched from github and placed in the correct location for you.

Emacs: the timeless and infinitely powerful editor

I maintain my configuration using an org-mode file, through org-babel. So you can see it in it’s full glory here.

VIM: Powerful shell text editor. Tweaked with plugins.

To check out what binds and plugins I use in this config, my vim directory is authoritative.

TMUX custom binds

checkout the keybinds.tmux file for binding setup.


GNU General Public License v3
Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Filipe Silva (ninrod)


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