Tags: libusb/hidapi
general: add `hid_get_report_descriptor` API function (#451) macOS: fix retrieving USB Interface number on macOS 13.3 (#534) macOS: Properly handle the close of run loop on macOS (#522) libusb: fix crash in hid_enumerate() caused by a stale device handle (#526) windows: alternative way to get USB Serial Number if not provided by HidD_GetSerialNumberString (#464) windows: don't mark with dllexport in static build (#507/#515) windows: Get Bluetooth device Model Number String instead of Device Name into product string (#500) general: fixes (mostly error handling) of issues found by Coverity Scan (#552/#554/#555/#559/#560/#561) general: variouse fixes and improvements
- general: add `hid_get_device_info` (#432); - general: Meson build script (as a wrapper over CMake) (#410); - general: add HID Bus Type in `hid_device_info` (#308); - libusb: primary usage_page/usage is now available with `hid_get_device_info` regardless of the compilation flags; - hidraw: Open files with `O_CLOEXEC` to not leak fds to child processes (#446); - hidraw: add support for HID over SPI (#486); - macOS: implement `hid_error` (#314); - cmake: libusb: Ensure Iconv is found when provided via CFLAGS/LDFLAGS (#430); Other various improvements.
Don't use deprecated kIOMasterPortDefault (#406) `kIOMasterPortDefault` is deprecated since macOS 12.0. One alternative is to use named constant `kIOMainPortDefault` which is not available before macOS 12.0. Both named constants are just an alias for `NULL`, so it is simpler to use it directly instead. Fixes: #377
Parse USB interface number from device Hardware IDs (#360) Strickly speaking we cannot parse interface string at all and only allowed to parse Hardware ID string.