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😎A lightweight log library, including local logs, kafka logs, Alibaba Cloud logs... Of course, plug-in access to the log library you want
you can see the demo in gglog_test.go
- Pluggable
- Concurrent security
- lightweight
- 1.NewGGLog()
- 2.Init()
- 3.FlushLog() //or you can set the config param FlushInterval to control flush the log to file
- 1.NewGGLog()
- 2.Init()
- 3.Run()
- 1.NewGGLog()
- 2.Init()
- 3.Run()
You can also use your own log library by implementing the Log interface
[date time][code line][level]:msg
[2020-03-11 17:19:22][testing.go:909][INFO]: info...
[2020-03-11 17:31:42][testing.go:909][INFO]: info...
[2020-03-11 17:53:59][testing.go:909][INFO]: info...
[2020-03-11 18:01:35][testing.go:909][INFO]: info...
[ip][code line][date time][level][desc][hostname]
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:53", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"info", "desc":"I...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:63", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"warn", "desc":"W...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:73", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"error", "desc":"E...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}
[ip][code line][date time][level][desc][hostname]
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:53", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"info", "desc":"I...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:63", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"warn", "desc":"W...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}
{"ip":"", "location":"gglog.go:73", "tm":1589254203824, "level":"error", "desc":"E...", "hostname":"DESKTOP-7LEL6NV"}