TypeScript/jQuery plugin to convert an array of JSON objects into an Excel-like UI
- Smooth spreadsheet look and feel
- Arrow/tab key navigation
- Editable content
- Cell, row, and column change events
- Automatic row serialization
- Toolbar options to add, copy, and delete rows
- Copy multiple rows to your clipboard
- Select list, text, HTML support
var column1Options = new Array();
column1Options.push($('<option/>').val('1').text('Option 1'));
column1Options.push($('<option/>').val('2').text('Option 2'));
column1Options.push($('<option/>').val('3').text('Option 3'));
column1Options.push($('<option/>').val('4').text('Option 4'));
column1Options.push($('<option/>').val('5').text('Option 5'));
var headers = [
{ text: 'Column 0', editable: false, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 1', editable: true, type: 'select', options: column1Options },
{ text: 'Column 2', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 3', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 4', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 5', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 6', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 7', editable: true, type: 'text' },
{ text: 'Column 8', editable: true, type: 'text' }
var data = [];
data: [
{ text: '0,1', value: '0,1', editable: 'false', entityId: 1, name: 'Text' },
{ text: '1,1', value: '1,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text1' },
{ text: '2,1', value: '2,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text2' },
{ text: '3,1', value: '3,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text3' },
{ text: '4,1', value: '4,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text4' },
{ text: '5,1', value: '5,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text5' },
{ text: '6,1', value: '6,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text6' },
{ text: '7,1', value: '7,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text7' },
{ text: '8,1', value: '8,1', editable: 'true', entityId: 1, name: 'Text8' },
entityId: 1,
idName: 'Id'
data: [
//NOTE: The HTML property takes an HTMLElement object. Two of the proper methods of passing in an HTMLElement:
// 1. Create a jQuery object and cast to an HTML object - $('<div/>').text('Hi!')[0] or $('<div/>').text('Hi!').get(0)
// 2. Create an HTML object via raw JavaScript - var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = 'Hi!';
{ text: '0,2', value: '0,2', editable: 'false', entityId: 2, name: 'Text', html: $('<div/>').text('Hi!')[0] },
{ text: '1,2', value: '1,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text1' },
{ text: '2,2', value: '2,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text2' },
{ text: '3,2', value: '3,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text3' },
{ text: '4,2', value: '4,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text4' },
{ text: '5,2', value: '5,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text5' },
{ text: '6,2', value: '6,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text6' },
{ text: '7,2', value: '7,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text7' },
{ text: '8,2', value: '8,2', editable: 'true', entityId: 2, name: 'Text8' },
entityId: 2,
idName: 'Id'
headers: headers,
footer: footer,
data: data,
toolbarOptions: {
add: true,
copy: true,
insert: true,
includeRowNumbers: true,
position: 'top'
beforeCellChange: beforeCellChange
function beforeCellChange(cell) {
url: '/Home/Post',
type: 'POST',
data: { model: cell.getRowObject() },
async: true
}).done(function (results) {
//do something
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
cell.alert('Something bad happened');
- color (string) - blue or green
- style (string) - not even sure right now
- add (Boolean) - If true, renders the "Add Row" toolbar button
- copy (Boolean) - If true, renders the "Copy Selection" toolbar button
- insert (Boolean) - If true, renders the "Insert Row" toolbar button
- position (string) - Indicates the toolbar position - top, bottom, left, right
- includeRowNumbers (Boolean) - If true, displays an auto-numbered header cell on each row
- headers (Array) - The header cells passed on initialization
- footer (Array) - The footer cells passed on initialization
- className (string) - The collection of class names to apply to the table container (space delimited)
- selectedCell (SelectedCell) - The cell object designated when a cell is active
- highlightedRows (Array) - An array of JSONRow objects for the highlighted rows
- getClipboardText() {string} - Returns an array of JSONRow objects for the currently highlighted rows
- clearSelected() {void} - De-activates any currently active cells
- select(cell: HTMLDivElement) {void} - Creates the SelectedCell object and designates the cell passed in as the only selected cell
- moveDown() {void} - Moves the currently active cell down 1 row
- moveUp() {void} - Moves the currently active cell up 1 row
- moveLeft() {void} - Moves the currently active cell left 1 column
- moveRight() {void} - Moves the currently active cell right 1 column
- returnRow(rowIndex: number) {JSONRow} - Returns the JSONRow object for the specified index
- returnColumn(cellIndex: number) {Array} - Returns an array of JSONData objects for the specified index
- toggleHighlight(index: number) {void} - Toggles the specified row's highlighted status
- appendRow() {void} - Adds a new row to the bottom of the table
- createRow(isHeader: boolean, isFooter: boolean, index: number) {HTMLDivElement} - Creates a returns an HTML div element with jQXel classes applied (for use with functions below)
- createRowHeaderCell(rowIndex: number) {HTMLDivElement} - Creates and returns the header cell with mouse events (mousedown = highlight) already bound
- createCell(cellData: JSONData, index: number, type: string) {HTMLDivElement} - Creates and returns a cell based on the JSONData object passed to the function
- onCopy(e: ClipboardEvent, highlightedRows: Array)
- beforeRowChange(rowData: Object, selectedCell: SelectedCell)
- beforeColumnChange(colData: Array, selectedCell: SelectedCell)
- beforeCellChange(selectedCell: SelectedCell)
- onjQXelReady(e: Event, context: JSONTable)
- text (string) - The display text
- editable (string) - Indicates whether the entire column is editable (may be overridden on the cell level)
- type (string) - The type of input for this column - text, select
- name (string) - This is currently not being used
- options (Array) - Available options for cells of type 'select' in this column
- className (string) - The collection of class names to apply to the column header (space delimited)
- entityId (number) - The row identifier
- idName (string) - The property name of the identifier. Used for serialization
- data (Array) - The row data
- className (string) - The collection of class names to apply to the table row (space delimited)
- text (string) - The display text of the cell
- value (string) - The value of the cell
- editable (string) - Acts as an override for the column's 'editable' field
- entityId (number) - The identifier/primary key for the object
- name (string) - The name of the editable field. Used for serialization of JSON objects in change events
- html (string?) - If present, the HTML provided will be inserted into the cell
- className (string) - The collection of class names to apply to the cell (space delimited)
- cell (HTMLDivElement) - The active cell element
- html (HTMLElement) - The HTML content displayed in the cell
- text (string) - The text to be displayed in the cell
- val (string) - The editable value of the cell. When focused, the display value (text/HTML) will be replaced with the editable value.
- alert(message: string) {void} - Adds the jql-alert class to the parent row element. If the message parameter is present, set the parent row's title attribute
- removeAlert() {void} - Removes the jql-alert class and parent row's title attribute
- getRowIndex() {number} - Returns the index of the parent row
- getRowValues(includeRowHeader: Boolean) - Returns a string array of all cell values in the row.
- getRowObject() {Object} - Serializes all cell values in the row into a JSON object
- select(type: string, options: Array) {void} - Selects this cell