This repository includes scripts (Python and GMT) for reproducing the plots from the manuscript titled "Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity Beneath the Himalayas: Implications for Metamorphism and Tectonics".
In this work, we apply different advanced earthquake detection techniques, starting from continuous waveform data, to examine the intermediate-depth seismicity characteristics beneath the central Himalayas (southeastern Tibet).
The earthquake catalog of the intermediate-depth seismicity beneath the central Himalayas in QuakeML format in the following Zenodo repository: Earthquake catalog in QuakeML format from: "Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity Beneath the Himalayas: Implications for Metamorphism and Tectonics".
For the Python scripts click here. For the GMT scripts click here.
The scripts found in this repository reproduce our results in the specific publication. For different applications, the codes will need to be modified.