cronometer-export can export user data from This is intended for personal use only. All other uses should investigate the Cronometer Premium options.
Download the appropriate executable for your operating system from the releases section.
cronometer-export -s -3d -e 0d -u username -p password -o output_file_name.csv
cronometer-export [flags]
-e, --end-at string The end date in either RFC3339 or -d/w/m/y shorthand.
-f, --format string The output format. (raw | json) (Only available on the servings type.) (default "raw")
-h, --help help for cronometer-export
-o, --out-file string The file to output the data to. If not provided stdout will be used.
-p, --password string
-s, --start-at string The start date in either RFC3339 or -d/w/m/y shorthand.
-t, --type string The type of data to export. (servings | daily-nutrition | exercises | notes | biometrics (default "servings")
-u, --username string The username of the user to export data from.
cronometer-export supports the 5 major export types the web application supports. Each type can be specifed by the -t parameter.
-t, --type string The type of data to export. (servings | daily-nutrition | exercises | notes | biometrics (default "servings")
- Servings
- Daily Nutrition
- Exercises
- Notes
- Biometrics
The start and end times support two different formats. Provide either fromat to the start-at and end-at flags and the executable will handle it from there. All times will only utilize up to the day so hour/min/sec can be set to zero.
- RFC3339
- Relative Time (-#d or -#m or -#y)
Ouput is provided either to a file using the -o flag or to stdout.
By default, all output is the raw CSV format provided by the API. Some types support a json output that can be enabled via the -f flag.
-f, --format string The output format. (raw | json) (Only available on the servings type.) (default "raw")