The reserve forward promtail
is the agent based on loki promtail with reserve forward server and client, responsible for gathering logs and sending them to Loki.
To build Promtail on non-Linux platforms, use the following command:
$ go build ./cmd/promtail
On Linux, Promtail requires the systemd headers to be installed for Journal support.
With Journal support on Ubuntu, run with the following commands:
$ sudo apt install -y libsystemd-dev
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 go build ./cmd/promtail
With Journal support on CentOS, run with the following commands:
$ sudo yum install -y systemd-devel
$ CGO_ENABLED=1 go build ./cmd/promtail
Otherwise, to build Promtail without Journal support, run go build
with CGO disabled:
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./cmd/promtail
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.