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Deploy the Bike Sharing sample application to Azure Kubernetes Service

Bike Sharing is a microservices-based sample application written in a variety of languages as a good base for users to try our debugging in their language of choice.

Application Architecture

Helm v3

Instead of enabling the ingress controller (notice that the level 7 application gateway is quite expensinve in Azure), we can use the IP and DNS label.

helm install nginx-ingress nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --create-namespace --namespace dev-bikesharing --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=
helm install bikesharing . --dependency-update --namespace dev-bikesharing --atomic --wait 

Online Demo

I can put the AKS cloudnative demo online, thanks to the dns of Cloudflare site hosting, but I'll have to destroy it to ensure that the assets don't accumulate unwanted costs while sitting unused. It can be easily recreated via terraform and helm.


We have guides available in VS Code and Visual Studio.