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Codacy-Grade Mypy Black

A parallel branch-and-bound engine for Python. (

This software is copyright (c) by Gabriel A. Hackebeil ([email protected]).

This software is released under the MIT software license. This license, including disclaimer, is available in the 'LICENSE' file.

Quick Start

Define a problem:


import pybnb
class Simple(pybnb.Problem):
    def __init__(self):
        self.bounds = [0.0,1.0]
    def sense(self):
        return pybnb.minimize
    def objective(self):
        return round(self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0], 3)
    def bound(self):
        return -(self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0])**2
    def save_state(self, node):
        node.state = self.bounds
    def load_state(self, node):
        self.bounds = node.state
    def branch(self):
        L, U = self.bounds
        mid = 0.5 * (L + U)
        for l,u in [(L,mid), (mid,U)]:
            child = pybnb.Node()
            child.state = (l,u)
            yield child

Write a solve script:


import simple
problem = simple.Simple()
results = pybnb.solve(problem,

Run the script:

$ mpirun -np 4 python

Using non-default solver options:
 - absolute_gap: 1e-09 (default: 0)

Starting branch & bound solve:
 - dispatcher pid: 34902 (Ozymandias.local)
 - worker processes: 3
         Nodes        |                      Objective Bounds                        |              Work
      Expl    Unexpl  |      Incumbent           Bound     Rel. Gap         Abs. Gap | Time (s)  Nodes/Sec Imbalance   Idle
         0         1  |            inf            -inf          inf%             inf |      0.0       0.00     0.00%      0
*        1         2  |              1              -1  200.0000000%               2 |      0.0    1226.99   300.00%      1
*        2         3  |            0.5              -1  150.0000000%             1.5 |      0.0    2966.04   150.00%      0
*        4         5  |           0.25           -0.25   50.0000000%             0.5 |      0.0    8081.95    75.00%      0
*        8         9  |          0.125         -0.0625   18.7500000%          0.1875 |      0.0   12566.90    37.50%      0
      Expl    Unexpl  |      Incumbent           Bound     Rel. Gap         Abs. Gap | Time (s)  Nodes/Sec Imbalance   Idle
*       16        17  |          0.062       -0.015625    7.7625000%        0.077625 |      0.0   15352.74    18.75%      0
*       32        33  |          0.031     -0.00390625    3.4906250%      0.03490625 |      0.0   15981.49    18.75%      0
*       64        65  |          0.016   -0.0009765625    1.6976563%    0.0169765625 |      0.0   18740.68    18.75%      0
*      128       129  |          0.008   -0.0002441406    0.8244141%  0.008244140625 |      0.0   21573.51    11.72%      0
*      256       257  |          0.004   -6.103516e-05    0.4061035%  0.004061035156 |      0.0   22166.96     8.20%      0
      Expl    Unexpl  |      Incumbent           Bound     Rel. Gap         Abs. Gap | Time (s)  Nodes/Sec Imbalance   Idle
*      512       513  |          0.002   -1.525879e-05    0.2015259%  0.002015258789 |      0.0   21177.00     5.86%      0
*     1024      1025  |          0.001   -3.814697e-06    0.1003815%  0.001003814697 |      0.1   19978.42     9.38%      0
*     2048      2049  |              0   -9.536743e-07    0.0000954% 9.536743164e-07 |      0.1   21606.45     5.42%      0
     24029     24030  |              0   -1.490116e-08    0.0000015% 1.490116119e-08 |      1.1   21961.03     5.98%      0
     46159     46160  |              0    -3.72529e-09    0.0000004% 3.725290298e-09 |      2.1   22120.75     5.73%      0
      Expl    Unexpl  |      Incumbent           Bound     Rel. Gap         Abs. Gap | Time (s)  Nodes/Sec Imbalance   Idle
     65537     65538  |              0   -9.313226e-10    0.0000001% 9.313225746e-10 |      3.0   22459.50     6.20%      0

Absolute optimality tolerance met
Optimal solution found!

solver results:
 - solution_status: optimal
 - termination_condition: optimality
 - objective: 0
 - bound: -9.313226e-10
 - absolute_gap: 9.313226e-10
 - relative_gap: 9.313226e-10
 - nodes: 65537
 - wall_time: 2.96 s
 - best_node: Node(objective=0)

Number of Workers:        3
Load Imbalance:       6.20%
 - min: 21355 (proc rank=3)
 - max: 22710 (proc rank=1)
Average Worker Timing:
 - queue:      80.78% [avg time: 109.6 us, count: 65537]
 - load_state:  0.44% [avg time: 596.1 ns, count: 65537]
 - bound:       0.59% [avg time: 796.1 ns, count: 65537]
 - objective:   3.52% [avg time:   4.7 us, count: 65537]
 - branch:      3.36% [avg time:   4.6 us, count: 65537]
 - other:      11.31% [avg time:  15.3 us, count: 65537]