These files pretty much constitute my digital home.
First clone this project via
git clone --recursive
Then, install my configuration (symlinks/packages) with the installation script
cd dotfiles
where a TARGET
can be one or more items from the list printed with -l
Note that -ap
also installs some additional packages, not listed with -l
-h | --help Don't do anything, just print this help message.
-l | --list-targets Don't do anything, just list supported targets.
-a | --all Install almost everything. TARGET will be ignored.
-i | --interactive If configuration exists, ask what to do.
-f | --force If configuration exists, overwrite it.
-u | --uninstall Remove configuration.
-p | --package-install Also (un-)install the corresponding system packages.
./ -i vim
Bugs? Questions? Comments? Do not hesitate create a Github issue or shoot me a mail!