Command-line utilities for Anytype in Python, including an unofficial API library based on the internal Anytype Hearts middleware.
You need to have the desktop Anytype app running to use this API!
WARNING! I am not connected to the Anytype project. Using this API could render your space or your app inoperable!
If you want something stable and safe, please wait for the Anyteam's official API.
Initiation on the command line:
. bin/u-activate
make deps
make install
# First find the port on which to talk to Anytype Heart (should be running whenever you are using Anytype).
# Works on Mac and Linux
declare -x ANYTYPE_PORT=$(lsof -i -P -n | grep "anytype.*LISTEN" | sed -e 's/.*:https://' -e 's/ .*//g' | sort -n | head -n1)
A sample Python program
import os
from pprint import pp
from anytype import Client
# First we connect to the local middleware
# that runs behind the Anytype desktop app
# (defaults to localhost:$ANYTYPE_PORT)
c = Client(f"localhost:{port}")
# You'll get something like:
# {'error': {}, 'version': 'v0.33.2', 'details': 'build on 2024-04-25 13:28:54 +0000 UTC at #4ec64b016e2be3a5229dc865452c066f653e209c'}
# Now we unlock using our passphrase -- this function
# will use the ANYTYPE_PW environment variable, or
# WalletCreateSession(mnemonic = <your passphrase here>)
There's a list of the commands on the Anytype Heart repo.
Valid arguments are listed in the Request field descriptions. The Anytype Hearts' Middleware API is used as the backend to Anytype's various client apps.