Frontend tooling and HTML/CSS/JS for CMOA sales pages and sales widget
The cart.html
, cart-promo.html
, and checkout.html
pages approximate the shopping cart production environment and are to be used to test CSS and JS, whereas the CMS site templates for the header and footer are the actual code snippets to be copy/pasted to the CMP Sales CMS.
Any updates or changes made here need to be recompiled, and the files in dist/
should be moved to the sales production webserver.
Note, don’t forget to ammend the CSS
and JS
links in the Header and Footer with the cache-busting content hash!
Go into the html file you want to work in, place ?v=1.2 After .css so it's like this .css?v=1.2 to bust the css cache.
This project requires node and gulp.
node is available on most platforms and can also be managed with tools like nvm.
If the gulp command-line utility has not been installed globally on your machine, run npm install -g gulp-cli
Finally, run npm install
to install project-specific dependencies.
Run npm start
to launch a development server with Browsersync. The browser should automatically reload on file changes.
Run npm run build
to compile files for production. Bundled files will be created in the local dist/