Hello everyone and thank you for checking out this little project. This API is for reading data and converting it from the weekly backup files sent by your Solarlog.
The goal is to keep a modular way to easily read and manipulate the data to be able to work with it in other projects. I am also working on a UI for visualizing it directly, you might want to check this out here.
If you want to improve some functions or contribute feel free to do so, also feel free to use this project in any way that could help you personally.
Greetings, ChaosMelone9 (Sorry for the lack of english skills :P )
- Read from .dat-files
- Read from .js-files
- Direct .tar.gz support
- FTP support
- InfluxDB support
- MySQL support
- EML file support
- Persistent storage support
- SolarLog JSON Interface support
- Very Basic UI elements
This will guide you through a very basic process of being able to use data for your own.
Sadly this project is not hosted anywhere (yet), so you have to import it on your own. I'll assume you use Maven for this case, steps for other platforms or IDEs are well documented in the internet. To import type the following:
export version=4.0.6
#If you haven't downloaded the binary run the following:
wget "https://github.com/ChaosMelone9/SolarLogAPI/releases/download/$version/SolarLogAPI-$version.jar"
#Run this to install into your local repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=SolarLogAPI-$version.jar -DgroupId=me.meloni -DartifactId=SolarLogAPI -Dversion=$version -Dpackaging=jar
Now it is installed in your local repository, and you are free to add it as a dependency for your project. Simply drop this in your pom.xml:
This project is structured around the SolarMap object. You can easily add data to it and retrieve from it.
Here's an example:
import me.meloni.SolarLogAPI.BasicGUI.GetChosenFile;
import me.meloni.SolarLogAPI.SolarMap;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Class {
public static Map<Date, List<Integer>> getSolarData() {
SolarMap solarMap = new SolarMap();
File dataFile = GetChosenFile.chosenSolarLogFile();
return solarMap.getAsMap();
Now you can work with the map further on.
If you even want a basic Graph for display usages simply run the following:
JPanel graph = new DayView(solarMap, {YOURDATE});
There is also implementation of some UI Interfaces:
SolarMap solarMap = BasicSolarMapCustomizer.solarMap();