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My dotfiles to set up my workstation environment.

Currently I have dotfiles for:

  • alacritty
  • i3 (not currently using it)
  • tmux
  • vim
  • zsh

I'm currently using Ubuntu and MacOS but there are also instructions for Arch since I've used it for some time. Not all the OS setup is automated because I don't changes distros often, my heavy distrohopping phase has ended for now :)


Stow method and install stuff manuall

You can link the dotfiles using stow.

stow -t $HOME program-name


Some packages need to be installed in order to get all the features that the dotfiles provide.


Basic stuff

sudo apt install git openssh-client gpg stow vim tmux zsh

i3 and dependencies:

sudo apt install i3 blueman pulseaudio brightnessctl arandr redshift nitrogen scrot imagemagick fonts-hack fonts-font-awesome wget

Development and SRE related:

sudo apt upgrade gcc golang python3-pip openjdk-17-jdk maven nodejs npm podman kubectl

Security related:

sudo apt install bettercap hashcat nmap wireshark ruby ruby-dev aircrack-ng gpa
go install
sudo gem install wpscan

Other random stuff

Natural touchpad scroll

In /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf add Option "NaturalScrolling" "True" in the touchpad section.

Debian bookworm sources.list

deb bookworm main contrib non-free-firmware # non-free
deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free-firmware # non-free
deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free-firmware # non-free

Things outside repos

  • Librewolf
  • Bitwarden
  • Spotify
  • Codium

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S git stow alacritty vim tmux zsh i3 redshift nitrogen scrot imagemagick wget

Development related:

sudo pacman -S gcc go python pyenv python-pip jdk11-openjdk jdk17-openjdk maven nodejs npm podman kubectl kubectx


Install brew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install basic packages and dependencies

brew install stow alacritty tmux vim wget

Install GNU versions of commont CLI utils, from this StackOverflow post.

brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt grep

Development, SRE, criptography and others:

brew install gcc go python pyenv openjdk@17 maven nodejs nvm podman kubectl kubectx gnupg gpa neofetch


brew install spotify vscodium bitwarden librewolf firefox zoom obsidian syncthing discord