This repository contains the data used for producing the results in the SPIE16 paper " used in the SPIE16 Paper" (9785-038).
There are two alternative version. In volumes_json
you can find all Volumes as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoded deep nested data structure including Cliques and Annotations. These contain a lot of fields not necessarily needed by 3rd parties. A subset of relevant fields and individual tables can be found in the *.csv
files (comma separated values) or alternatively in the *.json
files. There is one for table for each: Volumes, Cliques, Annotations and Contours. Note that some fields are encoded as lists of strings. If you load the csv-file in Excel, some rows containing long strings are not read correctly.
volumes.csv / volumes.json
Field | Description |
PatientID | the unique LIDC/IDRI PatientID |
Dataset | "Training", "Verify" or "Test" (Verify is also used for Training) |
SeriesUID | DICOM tag SeriesInstanceUID |
StudyUID | DICOM tag StudyInstanceUID |
ImageType | list of DICOM ImageType tags |
FrameOfReferenceUID | DICOM tag FrameOfReferenceUID |
XRayTubeCurrent | DICOM tag XRayTubeCurrent |
ImageFileNames | list of original dicom file-names used in this volume (in order) |
ImageUIDs | list of dicom SOPInstanceUID of each slice |
annotations.csv / annotations.json
Field | Description |
AnnotationID | the unique (internal) AnnotationID |
Primitive | 0 for Nodules and NonNodules, 5 for NoduleVolume |
AnnotationData | either bounding box for NoduleVolume or position and radius for Nodule/ NonNodule (DICOM Patient Coordiantes) |
VolumeID | the unique VolumeID |
HUMax | maximum Hounsfield unit in Annotation |
HUMean | mean Hounsfield unit in Annotation |
HUMin | minimal Hounsfield unit in Annotation |
HUStd | standard deviation of Hounsfield units in Annotation |
Label | a label prefixed by the type NoduleVolume, Nodule or NonNodule, followed by the original label from LIDC/IDRI XML data |
AnnotationsIncluded | for NoduleVolume, AnnotationIDs of contours that are included in this NoduleVolume |
AnnotationsExcluded | for NoduleVolume, AnnotationIDs of contours that are excluded in this NoduleVolume |
contours.csv / contours.json
Field | Description |
AnnotationID | the unique (internal) AnnotationID |
Primitive | 2 for contours (input to NoduleVolumes) |
AnnotationData | the triplets of contour coordinates in DICOM patient coordiantes |
VolumeID | the unique VolumeID |
ImageUID | dicom SOPInstanceUID of the corresponding slice |
SlicePosition | the slice number within the volume (starting from 0) |
Label | a label prefixed by the type NoduleContour, followed by the original label from LIDC/IDRI XML data |
cliques.csv / cliques.json
Field | Description |
CliqueID | the unique CliqueID |
PatientID | the unique LIDC/IDRI PatientID |
VolumeID | the unique VolumeID (SeriesInstanceUID plus a number to force uniqueness within dicom series) |
AnnoCount | number of Annotations in the Clique |
NoduleCount | number of Annotations labeled as "Nodule < 3mm" in this Clique |
NoduleVolumeCount | number of Annotations labeled as "Nodule >= 3mm" in this Clique |
NonNoduleCount | number of Annotions labeled as "NonNodule" in this Clique |
Annotations | list of AnnotationIDs as cross reqference to Annotation table |
DiameterMean | mean diameter of annotations in this clique |
Diameters | list of diameters |
DiceMean | mean of all pairwise dice coefficients |
Dices | all pairwise dice coefficients |
HUMax | maximum Hounsfield unit in Clique |
HUMean | mean Hounsfield unit in Clique |
HUMin | minimal Hounsfield unit in Clique |
HUStd | standard deviation of Hounsfield units in Clique |
VolumeMean | mean of all Annotation's volumes in |
Volumes | the Annotation's volumes in |