Open source for Andes DSP library
User manual:
- docs/html/index.html
How to build libdsp.a
execute the script "", then "libdsp.a" will be compiled in the "build_dir/" folder
- $1: COMPILER_NAME (ex: riscv32-elf-gcc, riscv64-elf-gcc, gcc, riscv32-elf-clang, riscv64-elf-clang , ...)
Ex: ./ "riscv32-elf-gcc" ## for Andes toolchain
Ex: ./ "gcc" ## for x86 toolchain
How to link libdsp.a
Here is a demo.c for function "riscv_dsp_add_f32"
$ riscv32-elf-gcc -I./include -o demo.adx demo.c build_dir/libdsp.a
$ gcc -I./include -o demo.adx demo.c build_dir/libdsp.a