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Anomaly NPC Bartering

This is a lightweight framework that allows for barters to be performed between the player and various NPCs.

A barter is defined as an exchange of one quantity of goods for another.


Barters are separated into the core framework (gamedata) and default barters. This is so default barter set is easily swappable out. Combine both into your main gamedata.

Accessing Barters

There will be an extra button in trade UI. Click it and see what happens.


  • Bartering consists of 'give' and 'take' items.
  • Give items are what the player receives as part of the deal.
  • Take items are items that the player will hand over.
  • Taken ammo must be a full box (usually 15 rounds usually for handgun and small rifle rounds, 10 for shotshells and large rifle rounds)
  • Taken items with condition must have the condition be at least 90% (adjustable in MCM)
  • Taken items with parts require a minimum condition of 60% each, non-negotiable. This is to prevent WPO exploitation.


  • Some barters are subject to limitations. There are two main types:
  • Fixed barters are tied to a save. Once performed, they may not be repeated.
  • Restock barters refresh once the trader restocks their inventory.

Integration Guide

  1. Create a file barter_yourcustom.ltx under file path configs\barter.
  2. Sample barter with fields explained.
trader          = m_trader 
give            = stalker_outfit,2
take            = ammo_9x18_fmj:1,medkit:1,wpn_pm:1
type            = anyOf
precondition    = barter_core.pre_std
postcondition   = barter_core.post_std
restricted      = stalker
repeat          = fixed
limit           = 1
faction         = stalker
goodwill        = 100
desc            = st_sid_jelly_suit
desc_done       = st_sid_jelly_suit_done

In plain english:

The above barter is offered by Sid, exchanging two stalker suits for either some 9x18 rounds, a medkit, or a PM. This is a one-time only deal (never resets), is only offered to stalker characters, and requires 100 stalker goodwill as a precondition.

Some fields if present are automatically accounted for in the barter config. These include repeat/limit, faction/goodwill, has_info/give_info.

Table of fields

All fields besides trader, give, take are technically optional.

Field Type Description Default Behavior Example
trader string Section of the trader to register barter for. m_trader (Sidorovich)
give string (colon/comma separated) Item to be offered. Supports format of item:quant where item is what is given and quant is how many. Any invalid sections will render the barter invalid. Comma separated values will be chosen randomly on restock. None, must be specified. medkit:1
give_meta integer Custom information based on give item.
- For condition based items, defines condition of received item.
- For ammo, defines how many rounds.
- For multiuse items, defines how many items.
Defaults to full box, full uses, or 100% condition. 1 (1 use of medkit)
take string (comma separated) Format is section:quantity repeated at least once with commas separating each pair. Any invalid sections will render the barter invalid.
As a special case, money can be exchanged for barter. Use money followed by quantity.
None, must be specified. bandage:1,cigarettes:1 (1 bandage + 1 use of cigarettes)
type string (allOf/anyOf) allOf: Requires ALL take items present to execute barter.
anyOf: Requires any of the given take items (respecting quanitity). On barter, actor will be prompted to select one.
Defaults to allOf
precondition string (function refs) These functions will be executed to check eligibility. If false is returned, the barter will be prevented. Functions are executed in order and ALL functions must return true to proceed. Always passes (e.g. barter is always eligible to conduct)
showcondition string (function refs) These functions will be executed to check if the barter item shows up. If false is returned, the barter will be hidden. Functions are executed in order and ALL functions must return true to proceed. Always passes (e.g. barter is always eligible to view)
precond_text string (function refs Functions used to build the info window of preconditions. Blank
postcondition string (function refs) These functions are executed after the barter is done. No postconditions applied
restricted string (comma separated factions) Requires actor be one of the listed factions in order to view the barter. All factions can view (assuming friendly)
repeat fixed/restock Determines the type of repeatability for the barter. Valid keys are either 'fixed` or 'restock' No limit imposed on the barter.
limit float Max number of times barter can be performed before reset. Defaults to 1
faction string (faction) OPTIONAL. Goes in tandem with goodwill key, is the 'given' faction for the goodwill requirement. If not specified, no goodwill required.
goodwill integer Requires the specified amount of goodwill for the given faction before allowing the barter. Defaults to 0 goodwill
has_info string (comma separated) Requires player to have this infoportion. Infoportion is a persistent information that normally is used to track progress of world events. Can require multiple infoportions with comma separation. None required
give_info string Grants the following infoportion when the trade is complete. This enables barter prerequisites.
WARNING: It is possible to give infoportions that are not barter related, which can seriously screw up quest flow. Be careful!
Defaults to 0 goodwill
desc string String key of message displayed when barter is selected. Defaults to informational barter string
des_done string String key of message displayed when max limit of barters is reached. Defaults to informational barter string
  1. Specified trader should have your item in barter menu.
  2. Custom functions can be specified based oh what conditions you want your barter to show up.