I'm Andrew, a software engineer based in the SF Bay Area. In my spare time, I make games, collect music, and play rhythm games.
- Heroes of Umbra - A side-scrolling platformer RPG with networked multiplayer. Built an engine with libgdx and developed it from 2012-2018, with occasional updates and help from the community.
- Starless Umbra - a 2D co-op action JRPG-in-progress. This started as an RPG Maker project from 2002-2013 and, after many failed attempts at creating an engine as easy-to-use as RPG Maker, is now built in Gamemaker.
- rm2k.net - Reminiscing about and discussing old RPG Maker games. (React, Chakra UI, Node.js, GraphQL)
- Limon Electrician - Full-stack website I designed and built for a client (React, Chakra UI, Node.js, Postgres)
- ITL Points - Utility for discovering which songs to play in ITL Online 2023. It compares scores to nearby players in the leaderboard and ranks which songs have the biggest room for improvement.
- StatsMerge - Utility to merge Stepmania Stats.xml files