My .files, here is a preview (keep in mind: the screenshots are not updated):
Also, here's a list of the wallpapers I'm using and have used in past configurations.
A command to install all the dependances will be printed after running the ./install
script (arch linux only).
WM: hyprland
Color scheme: GruvBox
Wallpaper: none
Terminal: Alacritty
Shell: zsh
Fetch tool: UwUfetch
Zsh prompt: Starship
Bar: Waybar
Launcher: Rofi
File manager: Nautilus
Fonts: JetBrains Mono, Nerd Fonts
Notifications: Mako
Audio: Pipewire + wireplumber
Screenshot: grimshot
swaylock-effects: locks wayland session
swayidle: lock the session before hibernating/suspending
rofi-lbonn-wayland: rofi but for wayland
waybar-hyprland: waybar but the workspaces widget works with hyprland
rofi-calc, rofi-file-browser-extended: some useful rofi "extensions"
syncthing: syncs things
gammastep: like redshift but for wayland
polkit-gnome: graphical authentication
wlogout: logout window for wayland
mkdir .config && cd .config
git clone --recursive
cd DotFiles
./install -a
Before the installation begins, a backup of your current configuration will be automatically generated in ~/config_backup
This post installation to-do list is mainly for me as I use arch linux (btw) and I always forget to do this things.
systemctl --user enable --now pipewire.service pipewire.socket wireplumber # WhY IsN't PiPeWiRe WoRKiNg?? Well, that's why. Also maybe installing sof-firmware is a good idea
- Setup swapfile and hibernation
- To enable pipewire video capture in obs, you need to
pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
, and go inSettings > Output > set "Output Mode" to "Advanced" > Streaming > set "Encoder" to the "VAAPI" option
and that should be it - Ask for password and fingerprint at the same time:
paru -S pam-fprint-grosshack
, then addauth sufficient\nauth sufficient try_first_pass nullok
- Suppress boot logs and enable sysrq (boot parameters):
quiet loglevel=3 udev.log_level=3 sysrq_always_enabled=1