- Milano, Italy
- bit.ly/aadmblog
- @aadmtwi
A template for creating a 'carnet des photos' with LaTeX.
The ultimate lightweight Matplotlib-based seismic volume viewer with multi-view support and horizon visualization capabilities.
Small and simple directory synchronizer (a BASH script)
noDRM / DeDRM_tools
Forked from apprenticeharper/DeDRM_toolsDeDRM tools for ebooks
Use your tablet as graphic tablet/touch screen on your computer.
Shell Scripts to Facilitate Effective Note Taking
Digital planner for Supernote and ReMarkable // Support Ukraine 🇺🇦 https://savelife.in.ua/en
A template for single-source academic publishing with Pandoc and Make.
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer
aurelienpierreeng / ansel
Forked from edgardoh/darktableA darktable fork minus the bloat plus some design vision.
Download and load digital rocks datasets
eoyilmaz / displaycal-py3
Forked from RomanHargrave/displaycalDisplayCAL Modernization Project
A very brief introduction to machine learning
Matlab research tools to read, write and process seismic data
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
Code for the manim-generated scenes used in 3blue1brown videos
PhotoSwipe.js simplify by the VanillaJS.
A simple streamlit app to explore the shapes of some tone curves.
Functionality for analysing uncertainty of multiple seismic interpretations.