ABANDONED, use slam/openspout-helper
This package is NOT intended to be complete and flexible, but to be fast.
PHPOffice/PHPExcel and PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet are great libraries, but abstract everything in memory before writing to the disk. This is extremely inefficent and slow if you need to write a giant XLS with thousands rows and hundreds columns.
Based on Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer v0.9.3, which can be found active on Github. This is not a fork: I copied it and adapted to work with PHP 7.1 and applied some coding standard fixes and some Scrutinizer patches.
composer require slam/php-excel
From version 4 the code is split in two parts:
namespace, the original Pear codeSlam\Excel\Helper
namespace, an helper to apply a trivial style on a Table structure:
use Slam\Excel\Helper as ExcelHelper;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Being an Iterator, the data can be any dinamically generated content
// for example a PDOStatement set on unbuffered query
$users = new ArrayIterator([
'column_1' => 'John',
'column_2' => '123.45',
'column_3' => '2017-05-08',
'column_1' => 'Mary',
'column_2' => '4321.09',
'column_3' => '2018-05-08',
$columnCollection = new ExcelHelper\ColumnCollection([
new ExcelHelper\Column('column_1', 'User', 10, new ExcelHelper\CellStyle\Text()),
new ExcelHelper\Column('column_2', 'Amount', 15, new ExcelHelper\CellStyle\Amount()),
new ExcelHelper\Column('column_3', 'Date', 15, new ExcelHelper\CellStyle\Date()),
$filename = sprintf('%s/my_excel_%s.xls', __DIR__, uniqid());
$phpExcel = new ExcelHelper\TableWorkbook($filename);
$worksheet = $phpExcel->addWorksheet('My Users');
$table = new ExcelHelper\Table($worksheet, 0, 0, 'My Heading', $users);