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The codegen application automatically generated often-used and repetetive C++ code which is saved to an external file that can be included in the main application. This is handled through the use of attribute markers in specific locations. At the moment, there are three different locations that can accept attributes:

  1. structs can be marked with the [[codegen::Dictionary(Name)]] attribute, where Name is a unique name (mostly the class name of the Renderable for which the code is generated). Everything touched by the code generation has to be delared inside a struct (referred to as a root struct). Member variables, structs, documentations can be modified by adding attributes of the style [[codegen::TYPE(PARAMETER)]] where TYPE is a keyword for the attribute and PARAMETER are optional parameters that might be necessary. Multiple attributes can be added by separating them with a comma ([[codegen::key(ABC), codegen::inrange(0.0, 1.0)]]). Structs can also be commented either with // comment lines or /* block comments before the definition of the struct begins
  2. enum class can be marked with the [[codegen::stringify]] or [[codegen::map]] attribute to either create conversion functions that convert enum values to and from string values (for the first attribute) or that can map an enum to a second enum where all of the values have the same name. Alternatively [[codegen::arrayify]] will cause a function to be created that returns a vector containing all of the elements of the enum
  3. A C-style function can be marked with [[codegen::luawrap]] which will generate code that extracts the necessary functions from a Lua state to call the function and then push the return value of the function back to the Lua stack. The generated code also contains information about the name of the function, descriptions of the arguments and return values, and also the documentation for the marked function

Execution: codegen.exe C:/Development/OpenSpace/modules to run it an all files recursively in the modules folder or codegen.exe C:/Development/OpenSpace/modules/base/basemodule.cpp to run in on this specific file. Every file that does not contain a marked struct will be ignored. For every other file renderabletest.cpp, a renderabletest_codegen.cpp will be generated that will have to be included directly after the struct definition.

Additionally, passing the --verbose parameter will cause CodeGen to emit extra information, including which files are currently being processed.

Generated functions

Running the codegen will create a number of functions in the generated _codegen.cpp file that can be used by including the file in the main .cpp file.

If a struct was marked with codegen::Dictionary the following functions will exist (this example assumes that the name of the marked struct was P):

  • P bake(const ghoul::Dictionary&): Will extract the parameters used to create P out of the passed Dictionary and will also verify that all parameters that are non-optional do exist and that all parameters have the correct type
  • openspace::documentation::Documentation doc(std::string, openspace::documentation::Documentation): Returns the documentation object that describes the parameters that a Dictionary need to fulfill to be successfully passed into the bake function. The first parameter is the identifier of the documentation which needs to be unique. The optional second argument is a parent Documentation whose entires will be copied

If any enum in the file was marked with the codegen::map(abc) attribute the function codegen::map<myspace::ABC> is available that returns the corresponding type to the passed in value.

If any enum is marked with with codegen::stringify() attribute, the toString and fromString methods are created with allow the enum values to be converted to and from std representations repectively.

If a function abc was marked with the codegen::luawrap attribute, the generated file will contain a namespace codegen::lua with a struct Abc in it that contains all of the information about the marked function.

Root struct

The root struct needs to be marked with the [[codegen::Dictionary(Name)]] attribute, where Name is a unique name. Every struct not marked as such will be ignored by the codegen program. The root struct (and the following include) must be declared in an anonymous namespace or else the resulting code might produce violations of the ODR rule.


  • [[codegen::namespace(NS)]]: Necessary if the type specified in the Dictionary attribute is living in namespace other than openspace


All types and variable definitions can have comments defined directly before the struct, or variable.


  • [[codegen::verbatim(ID.description)]] will be replaced with ID.description to be able to reuse descriptions from a PropertyInfo ID or any other parameter. The only difference to writing // ID.description is that the latter will add " around the parameter which codegen::verbatim omits

Supported types for member variables

  • C++ types: bool, int, float, double, std::vector, std::optional, std::variant, std::string, std::filesystem::path
  • glm::ivec2, glm::ivec3, glm::ivec4, glm::dvec2, glm::dvec3, glm::dvec4, glm::vec2, glm::vec3, glm::vec4, glm::mat2x2, glm::mat2x3, glm::mat2x4, glm::mat3x2, glm::mat3x3, glm::mat3x4, glm::mat4x2, glm::mat4x3, glm::mat4x4, glm::dmat2x2, glm::dmat2x3, glm::dmat2x4, glm::dmat3x2, glm::dmat3x3, glm::dmat3x4, glm::dmat4x2, glm::dmat4x3, glm::dmat4x4, ghoul::Dictionary
  • structs (must be defined inside the root struct)
  • enum class (must be defind inside the root struct)

The variable's name will be used to get a value out of the dictionary in the baking process. The only transformation of the name is that the first letter is capitalized (referenceName will be looked up as ReferenceName).

Member Attributes

  • [[codegen::key("Name")]]: Use the Name instead of the (first letter capitalized) variable name to look up a value in the Dictionary during the baking. This value has to be encapsulated in "" if it is a string literal. If you want to use the return value of a function, the "" have to be omitted, like [[codegen::key(unitList())]]
  • [[codegen::inrange(min, max)]]: Makes sure that the int, float, or double value is between the min and max values. Both min and max are considered to be inclusive intervals. Example: float foo [[codegen::inrange(0.0, 1.0)]];
  • [[codegen::notinrange(min, max)]]: Makes sure that the int, float, or double value is outside the min and max values. Both min and max are considered to be inclusive intervals. Example: float foo [[codegen::notinrange(0.0, 1.0)]];
  • [[codegen::less(val)]]: Makes sure that the int, float, or double value is less than the val value. Example: float foo [[codegen::less(0.0)]];
  • [[codegen::lessequal(val)]]: Makes sure that the int, float, or double value is less than or equal to the val value. Example: float foo [[codegen::lessequal(0.0)]];
  • [[codegen::greater(val)]], [[codegen::greaterequal(val)]], [[codegen:unequal(val)]] likewise
  • [[codegen::inlist("v1", "v2", "v3")]]: Checks whether a std::string variable is one of a finite list of values. Example: std::string foo [[codegen::inlist("v1", "v2", "v3")]];
  • [[codegen::notinlist("v1", "v2", "v3")]]: Checks whether a std::string variable is not one of a finite list of values. Example: std::string foo [[codegen::notinlist("v1", "v2", "v3")]];
  • [[codegen::annotation(text)]]: Adds an annotation decorator to the member. Currently only supported for std::string and it cannot be used together with other attributes. Example: std::string foo [[codegen::annotation(Must be a valid bar)]]
  • [[codegen::reference("foo")]]: Marks a ghoul::Dictionary as a referencing verifier that will look up a different Documentation elsewhere in the code.
  • [[codegen::color()]]: Marks a glm::vec3, glm::vec4, glm::dvec3, or glm::dvec4 as containing a color, meaning that a ColorVerifier is generated that checks whether all components are in the range [0,1]. The parameter must be either empty, true, or false
  • [[codegen::directory()]]: Marks a std::filesystem::path to be allowed to be a directory. The parameter must be either empty, true, or false
  • [[codegen::notempty()]]: Checks that a std::string that this attribute is attached to is not empty
  • [[codegen::identifier()]]: Checks that a std::string that this attribute is attached to fulfills the requirements of an identifier, meaning that is doesn't contain any whitespaces or dots
  • [[codegen::datetime()]]: Checks that a std::string is a valid ISO 8601 date string of the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.uuu
  • [[codegen::private()]]: This is value is specified, the value will be checked in the bake function, but not reported on in the docs function

Enum class

enum class value are looked up through string matching against the enum value when baking. For example:

enum class E {

When baking, a Dictionary containing a string "V1" will result in the E::V1 enum to be selected.

It is also possible to automatically generate the code to map an enum to an external enum automatically by adding the [[codegen::map(OTHER_NAME)]] attribute to the enum class. For example if you have:

namespace myspace {
enum class External {

somewhere in the code an you define a codegen:ed struct with:

struct [[codegen::Dictionary(Name)]] {
  enum class [[codegen::map(myspace::External)]] Internal {

then there is a function codegen::map<myspace::External> available that takes an Internal enum and returns the External with the same name. NB: This matching is done purely on a name-to-name basis, so the enum values of External and Internal have to be exactly the same.

When using enums, often it is useful to inspect the individual elements of an enum, for which C++ does not have native support. In order to be able to do this, you can mark the enum using [[codegen::arrayify()]] in order to cause a function codegen::arrayify to be created. For example:

enum class [[codegen::arrayify()]] E {

will cause a function codegen::arrayfiy<E>() to be created that returns a std::vector<E> that contains each enum element in order in which it is specified.

If you want to make an enum class known to codegen for any other reason (most likely to use it as a parameter in a Lua function, the annotation [[codegen::enum]] will cause codegen to inspect the enum, without doing anything with it directly, thus making it possible to use it later in the file.

Enum Attributes

  • [[codegen::key(Name)]]: Use the "Name" instead of the enum values name

Root enums

enum class definitions can also happen on the root level. Codegen will create code for these if they are marked with either the codegen::stringify or codegen::map attributes. For the usage of the codegen::map attribute, see the relevant section above. Any root enum that is marked with the codegen::stringify attribute will cause two functions to appear in the _codegen.cpp file: codegen::toString and codegen::fromString. These functions can be used to convert between string representations of the enum values and the enum values. Please note that the codegen::key value is used if an enum value uses one. For example:

enum class [[codegen::stringify()]] TestEnum {
  Value2 [[codegen::key("Different key")]]

assert(codegen::fromString<TestEnum>("Value1") == TestEnum::Value1);
assert(codegen::toString(TestEnum::Value1) == "Value1");

assert(codegen::fromString<TestEnum>("Different key") == TestEnum::Value2);
assert(codegen::toString(TestEnum::Value2) == "Different key");

Lua Wrapping functions

The codegen::luawrap attribute can take an optional argument that overwrites the default behavior of using the function name as the exported Lua name.

 * Some documentation at the top
[[codegen::luawrap("foo")]] std::string bar(int a, float f = 1.f) {
  return "abc";

Will be made available as the foo function in the Lua context and will generated the following:

static const openspace::scripting::LuaLibrary::Function Bar = {
    [](lua_State* L) -> int {
        ghoul::lua::checkArgumentsAndThrow(L, { 1, 2 }, "foo");
        auto [a, f] = ghoul::lua::values<int, std::optional<float>>(L);
        try {
            std::string res = bar(
              f.has_value() ? std::move(*f) : 1.f
            ghoul::lua::push(L, std::move(res));
            return 1;
        catch (const ghoul::lua::LuaError& e) {
            return ghoul::lua::luaError(L, e.message);
        { "a", "Integer" },
        { "f", "Number?", "1.f" }
    "Some documentation at the top"

Verifier Mappings

This is a complete list of variable types and attribute combinations. We are not listing the [[codegen::key(...)]] attribute here, as this is allowed with every variable.

  • int + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • int + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<IntVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • double + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • float + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<DoubleVerifier>
  • std::string + [[codegen::inlist]] -> InListVerifier<StringVerifier>
  • std::string + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<StringVerifier>
  • std::string + [[codegen::annotation]] -> AnnotationVerifier<StringVerifier>
  • std::string + [[codegen::notempty]] -> StringVerifier(true)
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::inrange]] -> InRangeVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::notinrange]] -> NotInRangeVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::less]] -> LessVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::lessequal]] -> LessEqualVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::greater]] -> GreaterVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::greaterequal]] -> GreaterEqualVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec2 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<DoubleVec2Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<DoubleVec3Verifier>
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<DoubleVec4Verifier>
  • glm::ivec2 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<IntVec2Verifier>
  • glm::ivec3 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<IntVec3Verifier>
  • glm::ivec4 + [[codegen::unequal]] -> UnequalVerifier<IntVec4Verifier>
  • glm::vec3 + [[codegen::color]] -> Color3Verifier
  • glm::vec4 + [[codegen::color]] -> Color4Verifier
  • glm::dvec3 + [[codegen::color]] -> Color3Verifier
  • glm::dvec4 + [[codegen::color]] -> Color4Verifier
  • std::filesystem::path + [[codegen::directory()]] -> DirectoryVerifier
  • ghoul::Dictionary + [[codegen::reference()]] -> ReferencingVerifier


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