I am a licensed private investigator who has specialized in the art of open-source intelligence (OSINT), intelligence collection, surveillance, and counter-surveillance techniques. I enjoy anything related to open-source intelligence (OSINT), operational security (OPSEC), anonymity, surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques, trade-craft, physical security and cyber-security.
Some of my other hobbies include internet culture, data hoarding, firearms technology, forensic document examination, and general spy-craft related things.
ohshint [at] protonmail.com
PGP Fingerprint:
3681 8C7A 5364 6047 4D68 EE9D 5191 FA71 A552 392F
PGP Raw: ohshint_0xA552392F_public.asc
Twitter: @ohshint_
GitHub: OhShINT
Internet Archive: ohshint
URL: ohshint.gitbook.io
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