Frontend GUI manager for the OAWP animated wallpaper player.
Written in C with the GTK+ toolkit.
- Create a basic GTK UI
- Add a fancy history list in the start menu with image preview and options
- Create the OAWP logo
- Create a SVG logo with X derived from the Xorg/X11 logo
- Create a SVG logo with a W derived from the Wayland logo
- Create a SVG logo for WinAWP
- Create a SVG logo for MAWP
- Get values from config file with libconfig
- Write configuration text with the C file stream
- Check for versions of configurations file and update them if needed, with a user prompt
- Implement an image converting system with the MagickWand API
- Link everything else to propper callback functions
- Add verbose and concise error popups
- Write the rest of the program :D
Get help from the wiki!
Work in progress, not even alpha state.