- Deployed on Netlify: https://vibrant-rosalind-8cefd3.netlify.com/
- Work Flow: https://trello.com/b/jzYJsZFf/connectfour
- Portfolio: https://kumar-krishnan.github.io/
- Creating a 2 dimensional array to represent the visual grid that players interact with.
- Making that array responsive to the actions of the player on the screen
- Working with a top down array while the visual grid is bottom up.
- Checking the game for when the player has made a winning move.
- Determining which player should be declared winner at time of winning.
- Accounting for outlier cases such as filling all grids without a clear winner.
- Checking values across a two dimensional array in a diagonal manner.
The theme of this project borrows from the Tron Series.
- Bootstrap (only for one function, modal for alerting winners.)
- Jquery (extensively for JS to HTML interaction),
- GoogleFonts(Righteous)
- Sound when the game initializes.
- Slowly forming game grid.
- Implement A.I.