- python code (pyinstaller to create the .exe)
- 🆕 Select the interface language (english or french)
- 🆕 Add a help page
- choice of the password length (between 3 and 50 characters)
- choice of the type of characters to use (lower case, upper case, numbers, special characters)
- 🆕 Specify a number, a minimum (like "2-"), a maximum (like "-8"), an intervall (like "2-8"), or nothing for each type of character
- automatic copy of the password on the clipboard when it is generated
You can use directly the file 'pass-generator.exe' present in the folder '/app/' or generate by yourselves the executable.
To build by yourself :
- After cloning the repository:
### Navigate to the directory
$ cd /navigate/repository/pass-generator
### Create a new environment
$ python -m venv venv
### Activate this environment
$ venv\Scripts\activate.bat
### Run the requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
### Create the .exe version
$ pyinstaller --icon=exe.ico -F --noconsole pass-generator.py
Running requirements.txt will install the following modules:
- tkinter (it should be already installed with Python)
- pyperclip (to copy the generated password to the clipboard)
- pyinstaller (to generate the .exe)
Frédéric Gainza alias @FredGainza
This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the LICENSE.md file for detail