Some Orbital Mechanics Matlab Codes. Heavily based on the "Orbital Mechanics for Engineers, Howard D. Curtis" book.
You can initialize an Orbit in these ways depending on the available input/initial conditions:
$R_0$ and$V_0$ - Orbital Elements
- Two Line Elements (TLE)
Orbit Determination
You must choose the method used to solve for future epochs from:
- Kepler Equation
- Cowell Method
You can specify the time-span of the calculation using the dt
- An Orbit with Orbital Elements of the starting state and Kepler Equation as the solving method:
orb1 = Orbit('OE','f(t)',r_p = 6700,r_a = 10000,...
theta_0 = 230*pi/180, Omega_0 = 270*pi/180,i = 60*pi/180,...
omega_0 = 45*pi/180, dt = 5.1610e5);
- An Orbit with
$R_0$ and$V_0$ of the starting state and Cowell Method as the solving method with Atmospheric Drag effect :
orb2 = Orbit('RV','Cowell',drag = true,R_0 = [-3670,-3870,4400],V_0 = [4.7,-7.4,1], dt = 5.1610e5);
- An Orbit with Two Line Elements (TLE) of the starting state and Kepler Equation as the solving method:
orb3 = Orbit('TLE','f(t)',drag = false,tle='ISS.txt', dt = 5.1610e5);
- An Orbit with GIBBS method used to determine the starting state and Kepler Equation as the solving method:
orb4 = Orbit('GIBBS','f(t)',R1 = [-294.32,4265.1,4265.1],...
R2 = [ -1365.5,3637.6,6346.8],R3 = [-2940.3,2473.7, 6555.8], dt = 5.1610e4);
To solve the orbit problem call the solveOrbit()
orb3 = orb3.solveOrbit();
To plot the Ground Tracks use the plot()
For 3D tracks use plot3()
For plotting Ground Tracks:
For plotting 3D tracks:
This code takes in consideration J2 perturbation with optional terms being :
- Atmospheric Drag
- Clean the class code
- Improve Orbit Transfer code, use the method in chapter 6, and write its Documentation
- Working code foundation (tested on the textbook's examples).