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jQuery plugin for rendering animated bar charts using jQuery and D3.js library


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Animated bar chart - jQuery plugin

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jQuery plugin for rendering animated bar charts using jQuery and D3.js library.

Table of Contents


Bar chart My goal is to keep this plugin light and simple to use. I'm not planning to implement all of D3.js library features into it. There is a source in src folder, so feel free to experiment with code. You can find some examples with different settings in examples folder. For the complete list of options see Documentation section.

Download and install

You need to include D3.js, jQuery and bar chart libraries. For D3 and jQuery, visit their web sites or include scripts in your head tag. Copy dist folder to your project and include:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/bar.chart.min.css" />

<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src="./dist/"></script>

Quick start

Add div container to your body tag:

<div id="chtAnimatedBarChart" class="bcBar"></div>

You need to prepare data for the chart:

var chart_data = [
{ "group_name": "Google", "name": "Jan", "value": 26037 },
{ "group_name": "Google", "name": "Feb", "value": 8597 },
{ "group_name": "Apple", "name": "Jan", "value": 33102 },
{ "group_name": "Apple", "name": "Feb", "value": 43426 },

Then you need to initialize the chart:

$('#chtAnimatedBarChart').animatedBarChart({ data: chart_data });


There is a few options that can be used to customize the look of the chart. Configuration of the chart can be done by passing the options you want to define into the animatedBarChart constructor as an object. For example:

   data: chart_data,
   chart_height: 200,
   show_legend: false,

List of available options

option: data - type: array of objects

Default [].

Data that will be used for chart rendering. You need to have 3 properties in every object of data array:

  • group_name - this property is used for data grouping and for the legend,
  • name - this property is used for x axis,
  • value - this property is used for y axis.

Bar params


{ "group_name": "Google", "name": "Jan", "value": 26037 },
{ "group_name": "Google", "name": "Feb", "value": 8597 },

option: params - type: object


  • group_name - default: 'group_name', type: string,
  • name - default: 'name', type: string,
  • value: default: 'value', type: string.

You can customize which properties from your data will be rendered.

Usage: if your data is in format:

{ "company": "Google", "month": "Jan", "employees_no": 26037 },
{ "company": "Google", "month": "Feb", "employees_no": 8597 },

You can set default options to:

   data: chart_data,
   params: {
      group_name: 'company',
      name: 'month',
      value: 'employees_no'

option: chart_height - type: number

Default value is 400. Height of the chart in pixels.


   data: chart_data,
   chart_height: 200

option: colors - type: array

Default value is null. There is already 10 predefined colors that will be used for different groups. You can override this setting by defining your own colors.


   data: chart_data,
   colors: ['red', 'blue', 'lime', ...] or ['#f44242', '#0048ff', '#04ff00', ...]

option: show_legend - type: boolean

Default value is true. Chart legend will be automatically generated below chart with your group_name values. You can hide legend by sending false through show legend option.

Bar legend


   data: chart_data,
   show_legend: false

option: legend - type: object

Default legend settings. Properties:

  • position - default: LegendPosition.bottom, type: enum - default legend position (, LegendPosition.bottom, LegendPosition.left, LegendPosition.right),
  • width - default: 200, type: number - default legend width in pixels for left or right legend position.

Bar chart legend right


   data: chart_data,
   legend: {
      position: LegendPosition.right,
      width: 150

option: x_grid_lines - type: boolean

Default value is true. Display horizontal grid lines. You can hide horizontal grid lines by sending false through this option.


   data: chart_data,
   x_grid_lines: false

option: y_grid_lines - type: boolean

Default value is true. Display vertical grid lines. You can hide vertical grid lines by sending false through this option.


   data: chart_data,
   y_grid_lines: false

option: tweenDuration - type: int

Default value is 300. Speed of bar animation in milliseconds.


   data: chart_data,
   tweenDuration: 1000

option: bars - type: object

Default bar settings. Properties:

  • padding - default: 0.075, type: number - default bar group padding,
  • opacity - default: 0.7, type: number - default bar opacity,
  • opacity_hover: default: 0.45, type: number - default bar opacity on mouse hover,
  • disable_hover: default: false, type: boolean - disable details on mouse hover,
  • hover_name_text: default: 'name', type: string - text for x axis value in details,
  • hover_value_text: default: 'value', type: string- text for y axis value in details.

Bar details


   data: chart_data,
   bars: {
      padding: 0.1,
      opacity: 0.5,
      opacity_hover: 0.1,
      disable_hover: true,
      hover_name_text: 'month',
      hover_value_text: 'employees no'

option: number_format - type: object

Default format for numbers. Properties:

  • format - default: ',.2f', type: string - default chart number format,
  • decimal - default: '.', type: number - default symbol for the decimal separator,
  • thousands: default: ',', type: number - default symbol for the thousands separator,
  • grouping: default: [3], type: object - default character grouping,
  • currency: default: ['$'], type: object - default currency symbol.

For more about formats, see D3.js documentation.


   data: chart_data,
   number_format: {
      format: ',.4f',
      decimal: ',',
      thousands: '.',
      grouping: [2],
      currency: ['€']

option: margin - type: object

Default chart margins. Properties:

  • top - default: 0, type: number - default chart top margin,
  • right - default: 35, type: number - default chart right margin,
  • bottom: default: 20, type: number - default chart bottom margin,
  • left: default: 70, type: number - default chart left margin.


   data: chart_data,
   margin: {
      top: 100,
      right: 100,
      bottom: 100,
      left: 100

option: rotate_x_axis_labels - type: object

With this setting, chart will automatically rotate x axis labels when screen resolution is less then minimun_resolution property.


  • process - default: true, type: boolean - disable automatically labels rotation,
  • minimun_resolution - default: 720, type: number - minimum resolution for labels rotation,
  • bottom_margin: default: 15, type: number - label bottom margin,
  • rotating_angle: default: 90, type: number - label rotating angle,
  • x_position: default: 9, type: number - label x position,
  • y_position: default: -3, type: number - label y position,

Bar label rotation


   data: chart_data,
   rotate_x_axis_labels: {
      process: false,
      minimun_resolution: 500,
      bottom_margin: 30,
      rotating_angle: 45,
      x_position: 10,
      y_position: 0

option: horizontal_bars - type: boolean

Default value is false. With this setting, you can change default vertical to horizontal orientation.

Horizontal bar chart


var chart_data = getData();
chart = $('#chtAnimatedBarChart').animatedBarChart({
   data: chart_data,
   horizontal_bars: true

Updating chart

You can update chart data by calling updateChart function. See filter_data_example.html from examples folder.

Usage: First, you need to initialize the chart:

var chart = $('#chtAnimatedBarChart').animatedBarChart({
   data: chart_data,

Then you need to call updateChart function with new data and options:

chart.updateChart({ data: new_chart_data });


  • Set legend position (option: legend: { position: LegendPosition.right, width: 200 }), look at right legend example (examples/right_legend_example.html),
  • Added responsive style for the legend,
  • Bug Fixes.
  • Horizontal bar orientation (option: horizontal_bars, default: false), look at horizontal bar example (examples/horizontal_example.html),
  • Code optimization,
  • Fixed legend overlapping.

To be done

  • Chart orientation (horizontal/vertical bars),
  • Legend position,
  • Display values on bars,
  • ...