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Folders and files

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15 Commits

Repository files navigation

Demo app


  • Create / Change / Remove Cities (nodes)
  • Create / Change / Remove Routes (relationships)
  • Calculate shortest path (dijkstra, cheapest distance)
  • Graph visualization (by visjs)
  • Latency compensation (on visjs level, but we wait for server response)
  • Client synchronization with minimal delay
  • Exception-less conflicts UX-workflow
  • Example powered by GrapheneDB
  • No dependency from MongoDB

Set up Neo4j


  • Download Neo4j
  • In Terminal go to downloads folder and type tar -xf <downloaded filename> -C ~/neo4j/
  • Start Neo4j: ~/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
  • Go to localhost:7474 and set up new credentials
  • Set NEO4J_URL environment variable to connection URL for Neo4j (NEO4J_URL="https://neo4j:1234@localhost:7474" node main.js)
  • Further reading


  • Go to GrapheneDB, create an account and free (or paid) plan DB
  • Get DB's credentials from "DATABASES" > "Connection" tab
  • Go to server/, change credentials to your instance of Neo4j

Heroku GrapheneDB Add-on:

  • From dashboard go to your app
  • On "Resouces" tab type in "Add-ons" section: graphenedb
  • Select plan and proceed through further steps
  • Get DB's credentials
  • Go to server/, change credentials to your instance of Neo4j

Deploy to Heroku

  • Go to Heroku create and confirm your new account
  • Go though Node.js Tutorial
  • Install Heroku Toolbet
  • Set up Neo4j - see sections above
  • Then go to Terminal into Meteor's project directory and run:
meteor build ../build-<your-app-name>
cd ../build-<your-app-name>
tar xvzf <name-of-archive> -C ./
cd bundle/
cp -Rf * ../
cd ../
rm -Rf bundle/
rm -Rf <name-of-archive>
git init 
git add .
nano Procfile
web: node main.js
# press ctrl + o
# press Enter (return)
# press ctrl + x
npm init
# Ignore all warnings (but not errors)
heroku create <your-app-name> --buildpack
# This command will output something like: https://<your-app-name> |<your-app-name>.git
# Copy this: `https://<your-app-name>`, note use only `https://` protocol!
heroku config:set ROOT_URL=https://<your-app-name>
heroku config:set NEO4J_URL=https://<url-to-neo4j>
git commit -m "initial"
git push heroku master
  • Go to https://<your-app-name>
  • If you app has errors:
    • Check logs: heroku logs --tail
    • Try to run locally and debug: heroku run node