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  • My 42 repositories


Category Name Description
Action 42valgrind-action GitHub Action for 42valgrind
API 42api 42api reference
42API-client 42's API with Next.js, SWR and Tailwind
Book 42books Reference books for 42cursus projects
Cluster 42cluster Initialize cluster's Mac
Docker 42docker Dockerized tools used in 42cursus
42valgrind-docker Dockerized valgrind + clang
Norm 42norminette Norminette
normfmt Norminette formatter v3
Review 42review Review
Tool 42tools Making 42 life better
42deque Deque
qsort.c My qsort
Vim 42header 42 header for jp
42myvimrc .myvimrc
vimrc-42 42 standard vimrc
vimrc-c-cpp My .vimrc for c and cpp
vim-normfmt Vim plugin for normfmt
Wiki 42wiki wiki.js with 42 Oauth2.0
42wiki-db Backup for 42wiki
Project 42ft_irc IRC server in C++ 98
42ft_containers Reimplementing STL (C++98)
42netpractice Basics of networking and routing table
42CPP_Module_08_2021 CPP Module 08
42cpp-module-08 C++ practice 08
(STL(vector, stack, deque), iterator, algorithm(find, sort, max, min))
42Old-CPP_Module_07 Old-CPP Module 07
42cpp-module-07 C++ practice 07
(template, iter, array, operator[])
42Old-CPP_Module_06 Old-CPP Module 06
42cpp-module-06 C++ practice 06
(sttaic_cast, reinterpret_cast, dynamic_cast)
42Old-CPP_Module_05 Old-CPP Module 05
42cpp-module-05 C++ practice 05
(Exception, Base class, Derived class, Method pointer)
42Old-CPP_Module_04 Old-CPP Module 04
42cpp-module-04 C++ practice 04
(Subtype polymorphism, Abstract classes, Interfaces)
42Old-CPP_Module_03 Old-CPP Module 03
42cpp-module-03 C++ practice 03
(Inheritance, Multiple inheritance)
42Old-CPP_Module_02 Old-CPP Module 02
42cpp-module-02 C++ practice 02
(Copy constructor, Operator overloading, Fixed point number)
42Old-CPP_Module_01 Old-CPP Module 01
42cpp-module-01 C++ practice 01
(stack, heap, pointer, reference, delete[], overload, stream)
42Old-CPP_Module_00 Old-CPP Module 00
42cpp-module-00 C++ practice 00
(Class etc)
42philosophers Simple Dining Philosophers Problem
ft_services k8s practice
42push_swap Sorting Algorithm using two deque
42libasm Assembler Basics
ft_server Docker practice
42get_next_line getline
42libft Reimplementing libc
Scale 42scale Scale :)
Exam 42exam-rank-05 Exam Rank 05 (Cpp (simple Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism))
42exam-rank-04 Exam Rank 04 (pipe and fork)
42exam-rank-03 Exam Rank 03 (Draw simple figure)
42exam-rank-02 Exam Rank 02 (simple gnl and printf)
42exam Exam Practice
Reloaded 42refactor_bsq Refactor BSQ
42libunit Testing micro-framework in C
ft_mini_ls ft_mini_ls
hello_vue Vue.js exercise
hello_node Node.js exercise